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coverage area as specified by the fire code official. The inbound signal level shall be <br />sufficient to provide not less than a Delivered Audio Quality (DAQ) of 3.0 for analog <br />communications and DAQ of 3.4 for digital communications systems or an equivalent <br />Signal -to -Interference -Plus -Noise Ratio (SINR) applicable to the technology. <br />BB. Section 510.4.1.2 is amended to read as follows: <br />510.4.1.2 Minimum signal strength out of the building. The minimum outbound signal <br />strength shall be sufficient to provide usable voice communications throughout the <br />coverage area as specified by the fire code official. The outbound signal level shall be <br />sufficient to provide not less than a DAQ of 3.0 for analog communications and DAQ of <br />3.4 for digital communications systems or an equivalent SINR applicable to the <br />technology. <br />CC. Section 510.5 is amended to read as follows: <br />510.5 Installation requirement. The installation of the emergency responder radio <br />coverage system shall be in accordance with NFPA 1221 and the current Emergency <br />Responder Radio Coverage Systems Standard Details & Specification enforced by the <br />Santa Clara County Fire Department. <br />DD. Section 510.5.1 is amended to read as follows: <br />510.5.1 Approval prior to installation. Amplification systems capable of operating on <br />frequencies licensed to any public safety agency by the FCC or other radio licensing <br />authority shall not be installed without prior coordination and approval of the fire code <br />official and the agency FCC license holder or systems administrator. <br />EE. The First Paragraph of Section 510.5.3 is amended to read as follows: <br />510.5.3 Acceptance test procedure. Where an emergency responder radio coverage <br />system is required, and upon completion of installation, the building owner shall have <br />the radio system tested to verify that two-way coverage on each floor of the building is <br />not less than 95 percent. Final system acceptance will require ERRCS power level and <br />DAQ testing with agency FCC license holder, systems administrators, or designee. <br />FF. Section 603. is amended to read as follows and delete the exception: <br />603. Prohibited locations. The storage or use of portable outdoor gas-fired <br />heating appliances is prohibited in any of the following locations: <br />1. Inside of any occupancy where connected to the fuel gas container. <br />2. Inside of tents, canopies and membrane structures. <br />Ordinance 588 Page 8 <br />