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RESOLUTION 05-20 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS TO ADD THE TOWN HALL ADDITION PROJECT TO <br />THE FY19-20 CAPITAL PROJECTS LIST, APPROPRIATE $450,000 TO THE <br />PROJECT FUND AND AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ADVERTISE THE RFP FOR <br />ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN SERVICES <br />WHEREAS, the Los Altos Hills Town Hall Addition Project was initiated by the City Council <br />in 2018 to address a shortage of employee office space and limited on-site meeting and <br />classroom facilities; and <br />,WHEREAS, on November 20, 2019, the City Council approved a Conditional Use Permit <br />Modification (CUP18-0003) and a Site Development Permit (SD18-0050) for an addition and <br />remodel to Town Hall; and <br />WHEREAS, the approved Town Hall Addition Pro j ect includes the conversion of the open patio <br />behind the Council Chambers into a new 435 square -foot conference/meeting room (Phase 1), <br />demolition of the 880 square -foot Parks and Recreation building and two large redwood trees, <br />and an addition of 1,960 square feet on the south end of Town Hall with a classroom space and <br />additional employee offices (Phase 2); and <br />WHEREAS, in order to prepare a full and complete set of construction documents that can be <br />used to solicit bids for the Project, technical studies, construction plans and specifications, and <br />other related documentation needs to be prepared; and . <br />WHEREAS, based on current market conditions and a preliminary cost estimate for the Project, <br />it is anticipated that preparation of the necessary technical studies, construction plans and <br />specifications, and other related documentation will cost up to $450,000; and <br />WHEREAS, procurement of the professional services necessary to prepare the Project's <br />technical studies, construction plans and specifications, and other related documentation shall <br />follow the requirements specified in Chapter 4 (Purchasing System) of Title 2 (Administration) <br />of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />that: <br />1. The Town Hall Addition Project is added to the FYI 9-20 capital projects list; <br />2. Appropriate $450,000 from the unassigned balance in the Town's General Fund for this <br />capital project; and <br />3. The Planning Department is authorized to issue and advertise a Request for Proposals <br />(RFP) for Architectural Design Services for the Town Hall Addition Project. <br />Resolution 05-20 Page 1 <br />