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A. Section 100.0 Scope under subsection (e) 2. D. Low-rise residential buildings is amended <br />to read as follows: <br />i. Sections applicable. Sections 150.0 through 150.1 apply to newly constructed low-rise <br />residential buildings. In addition, all newly constructed residences, newly constructed <br />detached accessory dwelling units, and other newly constructed detached habitable <br />structures shall be electrically heated mixed -fuel buildings as defined in Section <br />100.1(b). <br />B. Section 100.1(b) Definitions is amended by adding or amending the following definitions <br />to read: <br />All -electric building is a building that has no natural gas or propane plumbing installed <br />within the building, and that uses electricity as the source of energy for its space heating, <br />water heating, cooking appliances, and clothes drying appliances. <br />Certified energy analyst is a person registered as a Certified Energy Analyst with the <br />California Association of Building Energy Consultants as of the date of submission of a <br />Certificate of Compliance as required under Section 10.103. <br />Electrically heated mixed -fuel building is a mixed -fuel building that uses electricity as <br />the source of energy for its space heating and water heating appliances. <br />Free standing accessory dwelling unit is a detached building that is not intended for sale <br />separate from the primary residence, on a lot that is zoned for single-family or multi -family <br />use, located on the same lot as an existing dwelling, and does not exceed 1,200 square feet <br />of total living area. <br />Mixed -fuel building is a building that is plumbed for the use of natural gas or propane as <br />fuel for space heating, water heating, cooking appliances and/or clothes drying appliances. <br />C. Section 150.0 Mandatory Features and Devices is amended to read as follows: <br />Low-rise residential buildings shall comply with the applicable requirements of Sections <br />150(a) through 150.0(s). <br />NOTE: The requirements of Sections 150.0(a) through 150.0(s) apply to newly constructed <br />buildings. Sections 150.2(a) and 150.2(b) specify which requirements of Sections 150.0(a) <br />through 150.0(s) also apply to additions or alterations. <br />D. Section 150.0(h) Space -conditioning equipment is amended by adding the following: <br />5. Systems using gas or propane space heating equipment to serve new residences, new <br />detached accessory dwelling units, and new detached habitable structures are not <br />permitted. <br />E. Section 150.0(n) Water heating system is amended by adding the following: <br />Ordinance 589 Page 3 <br />