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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT t <br /> April 6, 2006 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Commissioner Carey asked Ms. Corrigan her thoughts on the request for the pathway easement. <br /> Ms. Corrigan stated that she believed that the Pathways Committee would retract the request at <br /> tonight's meeting. <br /> Ginger Summit, Pathways Committee Chairperson, explained the confusion regarding the <br /> easement request. Fremont Pines is a public road up to the end of the cul-de-sac. The driveway <br /> that goes along a 32' driveway easement provides access to five houses. According to Town <br /> codes, the easement can be considered a driveway easement if it serves two houses, beyond two <br /> houses it is considered a private road. If the Pathways Committee is going to stay consistent <br /> with the Town policy of requesting public access along a private road then the recommendation <br /> cannot change. The Pathways Committee took no action to withdraw or change the <br /> recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Collins questioned whether there are or ever were plans to make a pathway <br /> connection up the driveway to connect to the Bullis site. <br /> Pathways Chairperson Summit stated that there were no plans for a path at the end of the <br /> driveway and there are many other accesses to the Bullis site around the area. Ms. Summit <br /> explained that the Pathways Committee recommended the easement for public access along the <br /> road. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked if it was the policy of the Pathways Committee to request a pathway <br /> easement next to any private road when there is development. Pathways Chairperson Summit <br /> replied in the positive. She stressed that the Pathways Committee is asking for public access to <br /> walk along the private road and no other changes such as construction of a roadside path. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked staff what the pathway in-lieu fee would be for the Corrigan <br /> property. <br /> Courtney Corrigan addressed the Planning Commission explaining that she misunderstood what <br /> the Pathways Committee Chairman was going to say at tonight's meeting and asked that the <br /> issue be returned to the Pathways Committee so she and her neighbors could discuss their <br /> support or lack thereof of the Committee recommendation. <br /> Sandra Humphries, Environmental Design Committee Member, reported that Scotch or French <br /> Broom, an invasive plant species, was present on the property and asked for the plant to be <br /> removed. <br /> Tom Klope,Landscape Architect replied that the Scotch Broom would be removed. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Clow supported the cut for the driveway as it kept the home lower and a good job <br /> has been done to make the new home look less massive than the old home. No pathway should <br /> be requested on the property because the property does not have the space for anything other <br />