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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> April 6, 2006 <br /> Page 3 <br /> than a driveway. The homeowners at the end of the driveway will have all the access that they <br /> want with the driveway easement and the pathway easement should not be required. <br /> Commissioner Collins supported the request for the additional cut for the basement as a good <br /> design on the house. With regard to the pathway she recommended that an easement be required <br /> on the property. <br /> Commissioner Kerns supported the application and stated the cut is an excellent idea hiding the <br /> garage below grade. He did not support the pathway because the neighbors don't want a <br /> pathway and it is not on the Master Path Plan. <br /> Commissioner Carey generally supported the project but had concerns about the grading <br /> exceptions but understood the reason was solid according to Attachment 2. He stated that two <br /> heritage oak trees were removed and only two are being required instead of the usual three to one <br /> ratio. He did not support the pathway easement. <br /> Chairman Cottrell supported the project commenting on the very attractive design. He supported <br /> removing the requirement for the pathway easement. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Kerns, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Carey and approved by the following roll call vote to approve the requested site <br /> development permit subject to the recommended conditions in Attachment 1 and findings for <br /> Grading Policy exception in Attachment 2 and modify condition number 28 to require the <br /> payment of a pathway in-lieu fee. <br /> AYES: Chairman Cottrell, Commissioners Cary, Kerns, Collins and Clow <br /> NOES: None <br /> This approval is subject to a 22 day appeal period. <br /> 3.2 LANDS OF KARIAT, 25721 La Lanne Court (7-05-ZP-SD); A request <br /> for a Site Development Permit for a 840 square foot pool &spa and a <br /> landscape screening plan (staff-Debbie Pedro). <br /> Staff report was presented by Senior Planner Debbie Pedro. A two story home with a basement <br /> was approved by the Planning Commission in August 2002 and is currently under construction. <br /> The applicant is requesting to add a pool and spa in the rear yard. There is existing landscaping <br /> on the property including an oleander hedge on the west side, a row of pine trees on the north <br /> side and various trees and shrubs on the east side including oaks and pines. The applicant is <br /> proposing to add twenty one 15 gallon redwood trees to screen the house from the downhill <br /> neighbor to the east. For the neighbor to the west they are proposing to plant ten 24" box olive <br /> trees and also two 48" box oak trees next to the pool. When the residence was approved back in <br /> 2002 the Commission had noted that a 14" pepper tree that was close to the driveway provided <br /> screening for the new house and should be preserved if possible. The tree was too close to the <br /> driveway and was removed during construction and staff is requiring that two 60" box oaks be <br /> replanted in the front of the house to break up the view from the street. A total number of 35 <br />