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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> April 6, 2006 <br /> Page 4 <br /> trees are required to be planted on the site prior to final inspection. The adjacent neighbor on <br /> Miranda Way had submitted a letter today with view concerns and staff had taken pictures for <br /> review tonight. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Saila Kariat, applicant, explained that the landscape changes had been discussed with the <br /> neighbors. <br /> Commissioner Clow asked what had happened to the missing Pepper tree. Ms. Kariat replied <br /> that the previous owner had done the demolition work and she could not confirm that the tree <br /> was standing at time of purchase of the property. <br /> Chairman Cottrell questioned the choice of Redwood trees for screening on the property. Ms. <br /> Kariat explained that the Redwood trees were proposed at the request of the neighbors to match <br /> their existing trees. <br /> Susan Ezzati, '14320 Miranda Road, explained she had spoken to Ms. Kariat about screening and <br /> had been pleased with the cooperation received in putting in Olive trees. She had concerns after <br /> reviewing the proposed additional development including the pool, spa, shower stall and fountain <br /> area and was strongly opposed to the development. She expressed the lack of privacy and noise <br /> she would hear if the project is approved. The noise, lighting, smoke from the BBQ will impact <br /> the outdoor sitting area of her house. She requested that the pool and spa not be approved. If <br /> approved she would like the entertainment area moved to another location on the property. <br /> Sandra Humphries, Environmental Design Committee, reported on several small oaks growing <br /> among the Monterey Pines on the property that should be preserved and suggested planting <br /> Toyon among the oaks. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commission Carey supported the project being sensitive to the neighbor's concerns and <br /> everything is within the rules. <br /> Commissioner Kerns supported the project stating that the proposed landscaping plan is very <br /> good and the pool is in an ideal location and can be mitigated with landscaping. <br /> Commissioner Collins empathized with Ms. Ezatti's concerns about the noise but the project is <br /> complies with the ordinance and the property has significant landscaping. <br /> Commissioner Clow supported the project stating concerns about the potential height of the <br /> Redwood trees. <br /> Chairman Cottrell supported the project pointing out that the pool is equal distance between <br /> neighboring properties and is well within the code. The noise ordinance can be enforced if there <br /> is a problem in the future. <br />