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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> April 6, 2006 <br /> Page 7 <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Commissioner Clow, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Kerns and passed unanimously to forward a recommendation of approval that the <br /> City Council adopt a resolution approving the proposed amendments. <br /> 4. 4. OLD BUSINESS-none <br /> 5. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 5.1 AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING AND SITE DEVELOPMENT CODES <br /> REQUIRING REMOVAL OF BLUE GUM EUCALYPTUS TREES (EUCALYPTUS <br /> GLOBULUS) AT TIME OF SITE DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL (SECTION 10- <br /> 2.802); CEQA STATUS: NEGATIVE DECLARATION (staff-Debbie Pedro). <br /> Senior Planner Debbie Pedro presented the staff report explaining that in January the City <br /> Council directed staff to research ordinances in surrounding communities to find out what other <br /> cities are doingabout potentially hazardous trees in articular Blue Gum Eucalyptus. In March <br /> P Y P YP <br /> the Council directed staff to prepare an ordinance for mandatory removal of Blue Gum <br /> Eucalyptus at the time of site development approval. Staff is seeking comments from the <br /> Planning Commission regarding the draft ordinance and when comments are received staff will <br /> finalize the ordinance and present it at a public hearing. <br /> Commissioner Collins presented samples of various Eucalyptus branches. The Commissioners <br /> listed the problems with Eucalyptus trees; shredding bark, shallow roots, flammability, dropping <br /> branches and entire trees falling. Commissioner Kerns wondered why only Blue Gum <br /> Eucalyptus was being addressed and not all species of Eucalyptus. Chairman Cottrell agreed. <br /> Discussion ensued on the dangers of Eucalyptus and other large trees in Town. Commissioner <br /> Carey generally supported the idea but commented on overreacting on this issue by having any <br /> mature Eucalyptus tree cut down and the change from having no restrictions on Eucalyptus trees <br /> to removing any Eucalyptus tree. <br /> Commissioner Kerns brought up the invasive plant portion of the ordinance and stated that <br /> people should be encouraged to remove invasive plant species. <br /> Commissioner Collins disagreed that all Eucalyptus should be removed. She stated that many <br /> people enjoy the trees in particular the Silver Dollar Eucalyptus. Commissioner Kerns felt that <br /> Eucalyptus removal should be required and exceptions should be presented before the Planning <br /> Commission for review on a new development. <br /> Sandra Humphries, Environmental Design Committee, requested that the removal of Eucalyptus <br /> trees not be done during bird nesting season. Raptor birds nest in the tallest trees including <br /> Eucalyptus. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND PASSED: Motion by Commissioner Kerns, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Clow and approved by the following roll call vote that staff prepare a draft <br /> ordinance that would require all Eucalyptus trees be removed with exceptions reviewed by staff <br /> or Planning Commission. <br />