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Last modified
5/22/2020 2:41:35 PM
Creation date
5/22/2020 2:39:24 PM
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Amending Subsection 10-1.702(N) (Secondary Dwellings) in Section 10-1.702 (Accessory Uses and Structures Permitted (R-A)) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code, and Adding Article 14 (Accessory Dwelling Units) to Chapter 1 (Zoning) of Title 10 (Zoning and Site Development) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Establishing Regulations for Accessory Dwelling Units
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designated for residential development shall be left undisturbed and preserved in their <br />natural condition to the maximum extent feasible. <br />Policy 2.6 - Limits on the development of individual residential lots shall be determined <br />based on evaluation of such factors as natural vegetation, topographic characteristics, <br />soils and geology. <br />(3) The Town's Conservation Element includes goals to conserve creeks and riparian <br />areas as open space amenities and natural habitat areas, protect native and naturalized trees and <br />plants, and maintain and enhance the integrity of wildlife habitat, and provides policies and <br />programs to support these goals as follows: <br />• Program 1.1 - Continue to require that structures be set back at least 25 feet from the <br />top of creek banks. To ensure adequate protection of these valuable resources, review <br />the 25 -foot setback and consider expanding it to the driplines of mature oak trees within <br />the setback. <br />• Program 1.2 - Continue to require open space easements along creeks and riparian <br />corridors to ensure that these areas remain in their natural condition. <br />• Policy 2.1 - Minimize disturbance of the natural terrain and vegetation. <br />• Policy 2.2 - Preserve and protect native and naturalized plants, with special attention to <br />preservation of unique, rare or endangered species and plant communities such as oak <br />woodlands. <br />• Policy 2.3 - Preserve and protect Heritage Trees, including native oaks and other <br />significant trees, on public and private property. <br />• Policy 3.1 - Maintain and protect creeks and riparian corridors for wildlife that use this <br />resource for food, shelter, migration and breeding. <br />(4) The Town's Safety Element includes goals to protect the public from risk of <br />personal injury and property damage due to natural safety hazards, to minimize the risk of personal <br />injury and property damage due to seismic and other geologic hazards, and to strive to prevent and <br />reduce potential damage related to fire hazards, and provides policies and programs to support <br />these goals as follows: <br />Policy 1.1 - Open space easements, zoning and other land use regulations shall be used <br />to limit and, in some cases, prohibit development in areas of unstable terrain, active <br />fault traces, water channels, flood plains, excessively steep slopes and other areas <br />determined to be hazardous to public welfare and safety. <br />Policy 1.2 - Unstable terrain, active fault traces, water channels, flood plains, <br />excessively steep slopes and other areas determined hazardous to public welfare and <br />safety shall not be developed unless unobtrusive corrective measures can assure public <br />safety. <br />Policy 2.2 - Locate development so as to avoid geologic hazards, including slope <br />instability, to the maximum extent feasible. <br />Ordinance 590 Page 2 <br />
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