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• Policy 2.3 - In areas with laiown geologic hazards, limit development to minor <br />structures and improvements where damage would not threaten human life or cause <br />significant financial loss. <br />• Program 2.5 - Continue to require applicants to submit a geotechnical report prepared <br />by a licensed geotechnical engineer for proposed new residences and major additions <br />on sites that have a potential geologic hazard. In cases where a geologic hazard is <br />confirmed, the engineering recommendations in the geotechnical report shall be <br />implemented to avoid or mitigate the probable effects of the hazard. <br />• Policy 4.1 - Development shall not be permitted unless an acceptable level of fire <br />protection and adequate water supplies can be provided. <br />(5) The Town adopted local amendments to the Fire Code and the State Residential <br />Building Standards Code to require compliance with Section R337 (Materials and Construction <br />Methods for Exterior Wildfire Exposure) on December 19, 2019 based on identification of the <br />following unique local climatic, topographic and geologic conditions: <br />• The Town of Los Altos Hills experiences low humidity, high winds and warm <br />temperatures during the summer months creating conditions which are particularly <br />conducive to the ignition and spread of grass, brush and structure fires. <br />• The remoteness and steepness of hillside areas in the Town significantly impacts the <br />ability of emergency responders to extinguish or control wildland or structure fires. <br />These factors cumulatively mandate special provisions for Fire Department access, fire <br />protection water supplies, automatic fire sprinklers, fire retardant roof coverings and <br />ignition -resistant exterior materials. <br />• The Town of Los Altos Hills is geographically situated adjacent to active earthquake <br />faults capable of producing substantial seismic events. Since the Town is divided by a <br />freeway and other major traffic corridors, the occurrence of a major earthquake would <br />significantly impact the ability of fire crews to respond to emergencies should one or <br />more bridges collapse or be substantially damaged. <br />• Fire suppression capabilities will be severely limited should the water system be <br />extensively damaged during the seismic event. <br />• Roofs and exterior materials that are not ignition -resistant contribute to the spread of <br />fires, and therefore pose a risk to the safety of the Town's citizens and their property. <br />(6) The Town of Los Altos Hills is uniquely situated in a semi -rural, hillside <br />environment with physical limitations to vehicular access, steep slopes with soils and geological <br />constraints, riparian creels corridors and native oak woodlands. Given the unique landscape, <br />geological characteristics, topography and terrain in the Town, higher urban densities with <br />minimal setbacks and buffers between structures is not conducive to minimizing risks related to <br />wildland fires, earthquakes and other natural hazards, and minimizing impacts to unique and <br />sensitive environmental settings. <br />(7) The Town's standards for residential lots is a one -acre minimum size with a <br />minimum average width of 160 feet, a front yard setback of at least 40 feet and side and rear yard <br />setbacks of at least 30 feet, and a maximum floor area limit of approximately 6,000 square feet per <br />prdinance 590 Page 3 <br />