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RESOLUTION 24-20 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />AMENDING THE TOWN'S MASTER PATH PLAN TO INCLUDE FOUR NEW <br />ON/OFF-ROAD PATHWAY SEGMENTS AND ONE NEW TRAIL CONNECTION <br />POINT <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills General Plan includes a Master Path Plan (MPP) that <br />designates certain off-road and roadside pathways in and around Town; and <br />WHEREAS, the MPP was established in 1981 and included four categories of trail designations <br />along with arrows to show future connections upon the development; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council, in accordance with the 2008 Pathways Element, has determined it <br />is in the public interest to periodically update the MPP with regards to the off-road and roadside <br />pathways system to reflect current needs of Town residents; and <br />WHEREAS, the MPP was amended by the City Council on March 8, 2005, to include multiple <br />off-road pathway segments after a thorough review of each segment by the Pathways Committee <br />and Planning Commission; and <br />WHEREAS, the MPP was further amended by the City Council on September 19, 2013 to include <br />an off-road pathway segment along Interstate 280 in conjunction with an easement dedication on <br />the Nicholson Subdivision off Dawson Drive and Maria Lane; and <br />WHEREAS, on April 25, 2016 and July 18, 2016, the Pathways Committee reviewed and made <br />recommendations on seven unresolved pathway segments from the previous MPP update and <br />potential pathways in the newly annexed areas of Los Altos Hills; and <br />WHEREAS, on July 6, 2017, August 3, 2017, and June 7, 2018, the Planning Commission held <br />public hearings, accepted public testimony and discussed three off-road pathway segments <br />recommended for inclusion on the MPP; Zappettini Court to Central Drive to Westwind Barn; Via <br />Feliz to Maple Leaf Court; and Story Hill Lane to Page Mill Road; and <br />WHEREAS, on September 18, 2018, the City Council held a public hearing, accepted public <br />testimony and reviewed three proposed pathway segments, and approved an amendment to the <br />MPP to include the off-road connection from Zappettini Court to Central Drive and to Westwind <br />Barn; and <br />WHEREAS, on August 21, 2019, the City Council held a public hearing, accepted public <br />testimony and reviewed three proposed pathway segment/connection points, and approved an <br />amendment to the MPP to include a future off-road trail access location from the west end of Laura <br />Court into the southerly portion of 24840 Prospect Avenue; and <br />Resolution 24-20 Page 1 <br />