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FISCAL YEAR 2020-21 <br />Calculation of Appropriations Limits <br />The Town is required by the State Constitution, Article XIIIB (Proposition 4,) to annually calculate the <br />maximum amount of appropriations subject to limitation. The calculation is intended to limit the annual <br />growth in tax revenues used to fund governmental expenditures in California. Article XIIIB was changed <br />with the passage of Proposition 111 on the June 1990 ballot. These changes permit greater flexibility with <br />regard to annually calculating increases in the appropriations limit (Gann Limit) by allowing additional <br />growth factors to be used. The factors permitting the maximum allowable increase in the appropriations <br />limit are chosen for the calculation each fiscal year. <br />As can be seen below, the City is substantially under its appropriations limit. The difference between the <br />appropriations limit and the appropriations subject to limitation has grown over time as the limit has been <br />substantially increased by the annual adjustment factors. This, combines with the comparatively slower <br />pace of growth in proceeds of taxes over the same time period, has contributed to the amount under the <br />appropriations limit. <br />Fiscal Year 2019-20 Limit $7,476,088 <br />2020 Change in Town of Los Altos Hills Population 1.0037 <br />2020-21 Change in California Per Capita Personal Income 1.0373 <br />Fiscal Year 2020-21 Limit $7,783,639 <br />Fiscal Year 2020-21 Budget Amount Subject to Limitation $7,421,184 <br />Amount Under Appropriation Limit $362,455 <br />Resolution 28-20 Page 3 <br />