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Town of Los Altos Hills – Administrative Services Department <br />Unclaimed and Uncashed Check Policy & Procedures <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 <br />I.PURPOSE <br />The purpose of the unclaimed and uncashed check policy is to establish the process for <br />disposition by the accounting department of unclaimed and uncashed checks. As a matter <br />of policy, the Town attempts to contact payees of unclaimed and uncashed checks in order <br />to promote good internal control standards. <br />II.DEFINITIONS <br />A.Outstanding Check: Any check that has not cleared the bank, been canceled, or <br />written off. Outstanding checks include both uncashed and unclaimed checks. <br />B.Uncashed Check: A check mailed or delivered to the payee that has not been <br />cashed. <br />C.Unclaimed Check: A check held by Town for issuance or delivery to the payee, <br />including checks mailed to a payee that were returned to the Town. <br />D.Unclaimed Funds: Money or funds disbursed that remain in the City Treasury or in <br />the official custody of City officers for three (3) years or more without a claim being <br />filed by the legal owner(s). Common sources include accounts payable, payroll, <br />vendor payments, customer refunds. <br />III. POLICY <br />It is the policy of the Town of Los Altos Hills to properly account for unclaimed funds in a <br />manner which follows Government Code Sections 50050 through 50056. Unclaimed funds, <br />excluding restitution to victims, that remain unclaimed for at least three (3) years will <br />become the property of the Town of Los Altos Hills after the procedures identified herein <br />have been followed. <br />The Town is required to comply with the requirements of the unclaimed property laws and <br />regulations. Those duties vested by Government Code Sections 50050 through 50056 in the <br />Town Treasurer are hereby transferred to the Town Finance Director or other designee as <br />stated in this policy. This policy outlines the procedures to be followed regarding <br />outstanding checks. <br />Resolution 31-20 Page 2