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RESOLUTION 45-20 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS MAKING DETERMINATIONS AND APPROVING <br />THE ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY DESIGNATED AS "RAVENSBURY AVENUE <br />ISLAND" CONSISTING OF EIGHT PARCELS (24.3 ACRES) LOCATED AT THE <br />END OF RAVENSBURY AVENUE IN LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />WHEREAS, on June 18, 2020, the City Council held a public hearing and adopted Resolution <br />No. 29-20 initiating proceedings for annexation of the unincorporated county island designated as <br />the "Ravensbury Avenue Island" ("Island); and <br />WHEREAS, California Government Code Section 56375.3. provides for a streamlined process for <br />cities and towns to initiate changes of organization or reorganization for pockets of unincorporated <br />territory within specified time frames that meet specified criteria; and <br />WHEREAS, the State legislature has adopted the objective for Local Area Formation <br />Commissions (LAFCO) to promote orderly boundaries and the efficient delivery of services; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills has conducted a public hearing on the reorganization in <br />accordance with Section 57050 of the California Government Code; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with Government Code Section 56153, 56156 and Section 56157, the <br />City Cleric of the Town of Los Altos Hills have provided mailed notices of the public hearing on <br />the annexation to all property owners within the Island and all property owners within 500 feet of <br />the Island. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, as follows: <br />A. That the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills finds that the Island meets the <br />criteria for a streamlined annexation process pursuant to Government Code Section 56375.3 as <br />follows: <br />1. The Island does not exceed 150 acres in area, and is substantially surrounded by <br />the Town of Los Altos Hills and is located within the urban service of the Town; <br />2. The Island is not a gated community, is substantially developed in that public utility <br />services are available and physical improvements are located on the properties <br />within the Island; <br />3. The Island is not considered prime agricultural land; <br />4. The annexation does not create islands or areas in which it would be difficult to <br />provide municipal services; <br />5. The Island will benefit from the annexation or is receiving benefits from the Town; <br />6. The annexation is consistent with the Town of Los Altos Hills General Plan; <br />7. The Island is contiguous to existing Town limits; and <br />8. The Town has complied with all conditions imposed by the LAFCO for inclusion <br />of the Island in the urban service area of the city. <br />Resolution 45-20 Page 1 <br />