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WHEREAS, stair has prepared amendments to the Ordinance based on comments provided by <br />HCD and, as the Ordinance was previously reviewed by the Planning Commission, is presenting <br />these amendments to the City Council for its consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, on August 20, 2020, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing to provide <br />an opportunity for all interested parties to be heard, to consider all public comments and consider <br />the proposed amendments to the Ordinance in response to the comments provided by HCD; and <br />WHEREAS, The Town recognizes its responsibility to adopt rules and regulations that are aligned <br />with state law and believes that this ordinance complies with the intent and application of the <br />adopted legislation as written and Government Code Section 65852.2 which seek to facilitate and <br />allow for the development of an accessory dwelling unit and junior accessory dwelling unit on any <br />lot with an existing or proposed single-family dwelling, while also ensuring that the resulting <br />development activity does not harm the public health, safety, or welfare, maintains an acceptable <br />level of fire protection and does not significantly impact the environment or sensitive habitats; and <br />WHEREAS, the amendments to the Ordinance are adopted based on the following facts: <br />(1) The Town's Housing Element has identified the development of accessory dwelling <br />units (also known as secondary dwelling units) as a primary method to achieve the affordable <br />housing units necessary to meet the Town's regional housing needs allocation (RHNA) for the <br />eight-year period of 2015-2022. <br />(2) The Town's Land. Use Element includes goals to maintain the semi -rural character <br />of the community while providing for residential uses, open space, and the minimum public and. <br />private facilities and services needed to serve residents on a continuing basis, and to ensure that <br />all development occurs in a manner that minimizes disturbance of natural terrain, vegetation and <br />wildlife, and maximizes the preservation of natural resources and open space, and provides policies <br />to support these goals as follows: <br />• Policy 1.1 - Uses of land shall be consistent with the semi -rural atmosphere of the <br />community, minimize disturbance to natural terrain, minimize removal of the natural <br />vegetation, and create the maximum compatibility of development with the natural <br />environment through site design and landscaping. <br />• Policy 2.2 - Residential densities shall be guided by considerations of topography, <br />vegetative cover and significant physical limitations inherent in the natural <br />environment. <br />• Policy 2.5 - Steep slopes, canyons and ravines generally in excess of 30% slope, as well <br />as natural swales and drainage channels, and geologic hazard areas within areas <br />designated for residential development shall be left undisturbed and preserved in their <br />natural condition to the maximum extent feasible. <br />• Policy 2.6 - Limits on the development of individual residential lots shall be determined <br />based on evaluation of such factors as natural vegetation, topographic characteristics, <br />soils and geology. <br />Ordinance 591 page 2 <br />