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"Residential" land uses on the Town's General Plan Land Use Diagram and zoned R -A <br />(Residential Agriculture) on the Town's Zoning Map; and <br />WHEREAS, the eighth property within the Island, identified by APN 351-08-026, is owned by <br />the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD), an independent special district <br />organized under California Public Resources Code Section 5500 et seq., and consists of dedicated <br />open space land that is part of and contiguous to MROSD's existing `Rancho San Antonio Open <br />Space Preserve' property; this eighth property will be designated as an "Open Space Preserve" <br />land use on the Town's General Plan Land Use Diagram and zoned O -S -R (Open Space Reserve) <br />on the Town's Zoning Map; and <br />WHEREAS, portions of three parcels (APNs 351-08-030, 351-08-005, and 351-08-019) within <br />the Island include existing and long-standing public trail uses, recognized in an easement <br />appurtenant to land owned by MROSD and reserved in that certain Deed recorded October 19, <br />1959 in Book 4577, page 735 of the Official Records of Santa Clara County; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills acknowledges the public trail uses on the parcels within <br />the island annexation area and the value of public trail uses on and appurtenant to MROSD lands <br />which provide valuable open space access for the public; and <br />WHEREAS, consistent with the requirements of the LAFCO island annexation process, the Town <br />held a public hearing on June 18, 2020, pursuant to a notice of public hearing published at least 21 <br />days prior to the hearing, to initiate island annexation by resolution; and <br />WHEREAS, the date of the second public hearing to make findings and approve annexation of <br />the Ravensbury Avenue Island was scheduled for July 16, 2020; and <br />WHEREAS, on June 18, 2020, the City Council held a public hearing and adopted Resolution <br />No. 29-20 initiating proceedings for annexation of the unincorporated county island designated as <br />the "Ravensbury Avenue Island" ("Island); and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills has conducted a public hearing on the reorganization in <br />accordance with Section 57050 of the California Government Code; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with Government Code Section 56153, 56156 and Section 56157, the <br />City Cleric of the Town of Los Altos Hills have provided mailed notices of the public hearing on <br />the annexation to all property owners within the Island and all property owners within 500 feet of <br />the Island; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills, as Lead Agency for environmental review for the <br />reorganization, has determined the proposed island annexation is categorically exempt from the <br />provision of the California Environmental Quality Act per CEQA Guidelines Section 15319(a) <br />because it involves the annexation of an area containing existing private structures that are <br />developed to the density allowed by the Town's General Plan (14 Cal. Code. Regs. § 15319). <br />Resolution 56-20 Page 2 <br />