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Last modified
10/20/2020 11:28:35 AM
Creation date
10/20/2020 11:28:19 AM
Making Determinations and Approving the Annexation of Territory Designated as "Ravensbury Avenue Island" Consisting of Eight Parcels (24.3 Acres) Located at the End of Ravensbury Avenue in Los Altos Hills (Repeals and Replaces Resolution 45-20)
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"Residential" land uses on the Town's General Plan Land Use Diagram and zoned R -A <br />(Residential Agriculture) on the Town's Zoning Map; and <br />WHEREAS, the eighth property within the Island, identified by APN 351-08-026, is owned by <br />the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District (MROSD), an independent special district <br />organized under California Public Resources Code Section 5500 et seq., and consists of dedicated <br />open space land that is part of and contiguous to MROSD's existing `Rancho San Antonio Open <br />Space Preserve' property; this eighth property will be designated as an "Open Space Preserve" <br />land use on the Town's General Plan Land Use Diagram and zoned O -S -R (Open Space Reserve) <br />on the Town's Zoning Map; and <br />WHEREAS, portions of three parcels (APNs 351-08-030, 351-08-005, and 351-08-019) within <br />the Island include existing and long-standing public trail uses, recognized in an easement <br />appurtenant to land owned by MROSD and reserved in that certain Deed recorded October 19, <br />1959 in Book 4577, page 735 of the Official Records of Santa Clara County; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills acknowledges the public trail uses on the parcels within <br />the island annexation area and the value of public trail uses on and appurtenant to MROSD lands <br />which provide valuable open space access for the public; and <br />WHEREAS, consistent with the requirements of the LAFCO island annexation process, the Town <br />held a public hearing on June 18, 2020, pursuant to a notice of public hearing published at least 21 <br />days prior to the hearing, to initiate island annexation by resolution; and <br />WHEREAS, the date of the second public hearing to make findings and approve annexation of <br />the Ravensbury Avenue Island was scheduled for July 16, 2020; and <br />WHEREAS, on June 18, 2020, the City Council held a public hearing and adopted Resolution <br />No. 29-20 initiating proceedings for annexation of the unincorporated county island designated as <br />the "Ravensbury Avenue Island" ("Island); and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills has conducted a public hearing on the reorganization in <br />accordance with Section 57050 of the California Government Code; and <br />WHEREAS, in accordance with Government Code Section 56153, 56156 and Section 56157, the <br />City Cleric of the Town of Los Altos Hills have provided mailed notices of the public hearing on <br />the annexation to all property owners within the Island and all property owners within 500 feet of <br />the Island; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills, as Lead Agency for environmental review for the <br />reorganization, has determined the proposed island annexation is categorically exempt from the <br />provision of the California Environmental Quality Act per CEQA Guidelines Section 15319(a) <br />because it involves the annexation of an area containing existing private structures that are <br />developed to the density allowed by the Town's General Plan (14 Cal. Code. Regs. § 15319). <br />Resolution 56-20 Page 2 <br />
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