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City Council Minutes
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11/20/2020 1:10:30 PM
Creation date
11/20/2020 1:09:55 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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Dru Anderson, Los Altos Hills, said for the last 26 years, she has volunteered for the <br />Town for emergency services. Her neighborhood ran a drill this last Sunday on <br />evacuation which worked quite well. We all work together as best we can to keep our <br />community fire safe. She expressed appreciation of Supervisor Simitian's assistance <br />with this matter. <br />Eleanor Wong, Los Altos Hills, asked if other fire districts are being considered for <br />consolidation. Supervisor Simitian replied the recommendation in the LAHCFD audit <br />was to suspend the delegation of authority due to capital projects that were <br />undertaken. Since that issue was no longer pending and since the district had agreed to <br />all six of the substantive recommendations in the audit, the seventh recommendation <br />suspending authority should be voted against. <br />Eduardo Arias, Los Altos Hills, would like to have the fire district work with the Town <br />as well as we work with them. Putting together a CERT meeting that helps the <br />community in terms of fire prevention. He thanked Supervisor Simitian and wants to <br />work with everyone. <br />Aanand Raganathan, Los Altos Hills, asked, "what is our backup plan in case all of this <br />goes the wrong way? What is plan B?" <br />Maria Caffey, Los Altos Hills, said that Los Altos Hills is unique in that the Town is <br />divided by 280, and Caltrans have only cut the weeds once in 40 years; they are <br />notoriously unsupported and have created a real fire hazard many times. This unique <br />situation needs to be addressed. <br />City Attorney Steve Mattas stated there are other options available to the Town if the <br />consolidation option proceeds. LAFCO must approve the consolidation and there are <br />options that could be considered regarding subsidiary district and service areas could be <br />considered. Alternatives and legal options could be considered. They are not all <br />completely within control of the Town. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Vice Mayor Tankha suggested that a Councilmember be designated to speak at the <br />Board of Supervisors meeting on behalf of the Council. She asked that funds be allocated <br />to send a postcard to unincorporated area residents. <br />Mayor Wu attended the HLUET meeting and was very impressed by Supervisor <br />Simitian and thanked him for his logical, reasonable deliberation. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Councilmember Corrigan moved to appoint <br />Councilmember Tyson as the Council's spokesperson for all matters related to this topic <br />and prepare a strongly worded letter on behalf of the City Council expressing concerns about <br />the consolidation. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Tankha. <br />3 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />September 17, 2020 <br />
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