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RESOLUTION 65-20 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS OPPOSING THE VALLEY TRANSPORTATION <br />AUTHORITY'S 2016 MEASURE B 10 -YEAR OUTLOOK BASE SCENARIO <br />WHEREAS, in 2016, the Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Board of Directors placed <br />before the voters of Santa Clara County Measure B, a one-half cent sales tax measure operative <br />for 30 years that would fund nine program categories, with the primary goals to provide meaningful <br />congestion relief throughout the County and improve road pavement conditions; and, <br />WHEREAS, the nine program categories include in the 2016 Measure B are: Local Streets and <br />Roads, BART Phase II, Bicycle/Pedestrian, Caltrain Grade Separation, Caltrain Corridor Capacity <br />Improvements, Highway Interchanges, County Expressways, State Route 85 Corridor, and Transit <br />Operations; and, <br />WHEREAS, BART Phase II is just one of the nine programs authorized in the Measure and is <br />limited to a maximum of 25 percent of the total Measure B revenues; and, <br />WHEREAS, in November 2020, VTA administration began presenting VTA Board of Directors' <br />advisory committees with a proposed 2016 Measure B 10 -Year Outlook Base Scenario, covering <br />program allocations for Fiscal Year 2022 to Fiscal Year 2032, that contain built-in assumptions <br />that are unacceptable to the Town of Los Altos Hills; and, <br />WHEREAS, the built-in assumptions are that the BART Phase II project is the highest priority <br />for the next ten years, providing it with first call on the Measure B revenues, and that minimal <br />bonding will be used to fund BART Phase II, which results in little to no Measure B funding being <br />available for the majority of the other Measure B programs during this 10 -year period; and, <br />WHEREAS, under the Base Scenario, the six program areas that are currently identified for zero <br />Measure B funding over the 10 -year period are Local Streets and Roads, Caltrain Grade <br />Separation, Caltrain Corridor Capacity Improvements, Highway Interchanges, County <br />Expressways, and State Route 85 Corridor; and, <br />WHEREAS, this approach is inconsistent with the promises made to voters in 2016 because it <br />will not result in meaningful progress being made for all nine programs over the first fifteen years <br />of the measure, rather, progress will be deferred on most programs until the second fifteen years <br />of the measure which violates voters' and taxpayers' trust and expectations in approving the <br />Measure; and, <br />WHEREAS, in approving Measure B, voters countywide agreed to pay an increased half cent <br />sales tax for thirty years, thereby instituting one of the highest sales tax rates in the Bay Area and <br />State, yet under the proposed 2016 Measure B 10 -Year Outlook Base Scenario only a small portion <br />of the County will benefit and the bulls of the county taxpayers will be paying increased taxes and <br />see few significant benefits for a ten-year period; and, <br />Resolution 65-20 Page 1 <br />