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EXHIBIT A <br />FINDINGS <br />With regard to the Conditional Development Permit (CDP 19-0004) and Site Development Permit <br />(SD19-0066)to legalize an addition of 1,710 square feet to an existing 2,484 square -foot, two- <br />story single-family dwelling, including the conversion of 865 square feet into an ADU at 14486 <br />Liddicoat Circle, the Planning Commission rinds in accordance with sections 10-1.1007(3) and <br />10-2.102 the following: <br />a. The site for the proposed development is adequate in size, shape and topography to <br />accommodate the proposed intensity of development, including all structures, yards, open <br />spaces, parking, landscaping, walls and fences, and such other features as may be required <br />by this chapter. <br />The project is located on a 1.112 acre lot with a very steep slope and the additions have been <br />designed to fit within the floor area, development area and building height limits of the R -A <br />District, and are within the building envelope with the exception of the attached ADU which <br />is exempt from the setback standards. The intensity of development is compatible with other <br />similar sized lots in the area which are greater than the subject property due to lesser average <br />slopes. <br />b. The size and design of the proposed structures create a proper balance, unity and harmonious <br />appearance in relation to the size, shape and topography of the site and in relation to the <br />surrounding neighborhood. <br />The immediate area contains numerous homes developed on steeply sloping lots with some <br />structures highly visible from Interstate 280 and Page Mill Road. The additions to be legalized <br />are not substantially visible from surrounding properties due to existing vegetation and <br />topography. The overall floor area of the residence is similar in size to existing homes in the <br />area, the residence does not exceed the maximum floor area or development area permitted <br />on the property, and it meets all other applicable development standards. <br />c. The rural character of the site has been preserved as much as feasible by minimizing <br />vegetation and tree removal, excessive and unsightly grading and alteration of natural <br />landforms. <br />No trees were removed to accommodate the addition and grading is limited to the stormwater <br />detention tanks that are required to address the additional site runoff. All oak trees and <br />perimeter vegetation along the property line will be preserved. <br />d. The proposed development is in compliance with all regulations and policies set forth in the <br />Site Development ordinance. <br />The proposed addition complies with all regulations and policies set forth in the Site <br />Development Ordinance and does not exceed the maximum floor area or development area <br />PC Resolution 02-21 Page 2 <br />