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PC 02-21
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Resolutions
PC 02-21
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/2/2022 10:08:43 AM
Creation date
2/23/2021 10:51:14 AM
PC 02-21
Approving a Condition Development Permit and Site Development Permit to Legalize 1,710 Square Feet of Additional Floor Area and Approval of a Variance to Allow for a Deck and Staircase in the East Side Yard Setback and a Parking Space in the Front Yard Setback at an Existing Residence at 14486 Liddicoat Circle
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permitted on the property. In addition, no trees or vegetation are proposed for removal and <br />additional landscaping will be required to address visual impacts to surrounding neighbors. <br />2. With regard to the Variance (VAR19-0013) to allow: 1) a portion of the addition and a deck to <br />encroach up to 14 feet into the west side yard setback; 2) a new parking space within the front <br />yard setback; and 3) a deck and staircase encroaching up to 6 feet into the east side yard setback <br />at 14486 Liddicoat Circle, the Planning Commission can make the findings to support the deck <br />and staircase encroachment into the east side yard setback and the parking/hardscape in the front <br />yard setback but not the elevated deck encroachment into the west side yard setback in accordance <br />with Section 10-1.1007(2) as follows: <br />a. That, because of exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applicable to the subject <br />property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application <br />of the provisions of this title is found to deprive such property of privileges enjoyed by other <br />properties in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. <br />There are extraordinary circumstance applicable to the subject property with regard to lot <br />shape and the steep topography that justify the granting of variances for the deck and staircase <br />in the east side yard setback and a parking space in the front yard setback. The original home, <br />including the two -car garage and all decks, were built within the property's building envelope <br />in 1977. However, a variance was granted to allow the two required open parking spaces in <br />the front and side yard setbacks due to the steepness of the lot and the limited area available <br />at the street level to locate parking that was not in the front setback. In addition, a variance <br />was granted by the City Council in 1978 for the pool and pool deck on the west side of the <br />home for similar reasons. Therefore, substantial variances from the Zoning Code have already <br />been granted and the variance requests for the parking/hardscape in the front yard is justified <br />by the limited area available adjacent to the street due to the extremely steep average slope <br />the staircase and deck in the east side yard is justified as the main entrance to the home abuts <br />the side property line and the only access to the home requires that a staircase and front entry <br />porch be located in the east side yard setback, which is the side with the least impact on <br />neighbors. Alternately, the upper level deck on the west side of the house is not justified as <br />there are adequate existing decks on the home that are compliant with the setback <br />requirements. <br />b. That upon the granting of the variance, the intent and purpose of the applicable sections of <br />this title will still be served and the recipient of the variance will not be granted special <br />privileges not enjoyed by other surrounding property owners. <br />The setback variances for the staircase, porch and deck on the east side of the property and <br />the parking/hardscape in the front yard are due to the location of the existing residence on the <br />property, the shape of the lot and the substantial reduction in the development area that results <br />from a property with a very steep average slope of over 42%. Previous variance requests were <br />granted by the Town for required parking, a pool and a pool deck in the setbacks, and the <br />requested variance would not represent a special privilege as the staircase, walkway and front <br />porch in the east side yard setback are necessary to provide access to the main entry of the <br />home and the hardscape in the front yard is not in excess of what other property owners have <br />in the immediate surrounding area and the amount of development area conforms to the <br />maximum permitted by the Town code. <br />PC Resolution 02-21 Page 3 <br />
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