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STUDY SESSION <br />A. FY 2020-2021 Goal Setting Study Session <br />The City Council, City Manager and staff discussed how the goals and accomplishments <br />from last year had been met and the work currently in progress, <br />City Manager Carl Cahill provided an update on the top priorities ftom 2020 goals. , <br />Planning Director Zach Dahl provided a more detailed update of Pathways Master Plan <br />on unresolved areas and GIS. <br />J. Logan, General Manager for the Los Altos Hills County Fire District, presented <br />the fire district's role in fire safety. <br />Public Comment <br />Jim Waschura, Los Altos Mills, spoke about fire issues. <br />Jitze Couperus, Los Altos Hills, Hills 2000, asked to bring to his attention, the <br />mernbership is concerned about. the housing bills in Sacramento; it is easier to oppose <br />while it is still in Sacramento and before it is enacted into law. Speaking as a private <br />citizen, he commended Vice Mayor George `Tyson about giving a fire commission <br />update monthly or quarterly. <br />John Swan, Los Altos Hills, suggested recording all meetings. <br />No action was taken. The consultant will generate a report and return at a future meeting <br />for the City Council to review and approve. <br />The meeting adjourned at 2:10 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />Deborah Padovan <br />City Clerk <br />The minutes of the February 5, 2021 special City Council meeting (Goal Setting Workshop) were <br />approved as presented at the February 18, 2021 regular City Council meeting. <br />2 <br />City COUnCil Special Meeting Minutes <br />February 5, 2021 <br />