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Automatic License Plate Reader Policy <br />Page 2 <br />Any data obtained from Town ALPRs shall be used and handled pursuant to this Policy <br />and applicable state and federal law. All other uses not referenced above shall be <br />prohibited. ALPR data should under no circumstances be used for personal or purposes nor <br />specifically authorized herein. Possession of ALPR data does not negate the need to <br />comply with other laws or regulations including the requirement to obtain a search warrant <br />when legally required. <br />3. Data Collection <br />Digital images of vehicle license plates and their associated license plate numbers shall be <br />collected by Town ALPRs. The ALPR system shall collect the date and time that the license <br />plate passes a digital -image site where an ALPR is located. <br />4. Data Storage/Protection <br />Data collected by ALPRs are automatically uploaded to the ALPR system's associated <br />cloud storage at the time of capture. Cloud storage and server capacity shall be provided <br />for and maintained by the Town's contracted ALPR vendor as a part of the scope of <br />services. The Town shall confirm that the contracted vendor installs and implements <br />appropriate security measures for such storage including encryption, firewalls, <br />authentication, and other reasonable data protection measures. <br />Data stored in the ALPR system cloud space shall not be downloaded to a local server, <br />stored locally on a hard drive or portable device, or produced in a physical printout, except <br />in the following two cases: <br />1) Where vehicle license plate image and numbers have been flagged by the ALPR <br />system as a match to a stolen vehicle or other law enforcement registry; or <br />2) Where data retrieval is necessary for conducting or assisting with a criminal <br />investigation, or to facilitate an authorized use identified in Section 2 above. <br />Only personnel from the Santa Clara County Sheriff `s Office ("Sheriff's Office") may <br />download ALPR data for local storage or printout for authorized purposes stated herein. <br />ALPR data may not otherwise be downloaded for any other purpose by authorized <br />personnel or by Town staff and other unauthorized individuals or entities. <br />Downloaded, copied, and printed data shall be maintained in accordance with applicable <br />state and federal evidentiary laws and maintain appropriate chain of custody. Additionally, <br />the Sheriff's Office shall implement physical security, encryption, firewalls, <br />authentication, and other reasonable security measures to protect ALPRs data: <br />• All ALPR data downloaded to the mobile workstation or in storage shall be accessible <br />only through a login/password-protected system capable of documenting all access <br />of information by name, date, and time. <br />Resolution 17-21 Page 3 <br />