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3/23/2021 4:23:36 PM
Adopting a Policy on Automatic License Plate Readers in the Town of Los Altos Hills
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Automatic License Plate Reader Policy <br />Page 3 <br />Only those employees of the Sheriff's Office working in an investigative or <br />enforcement function shall access ALPR data. <br />Sheriff's Office employees approved to access ALPR data under these guidelines <br />shall be permitted to access the data for the specific purposes outlined in Section 2 <br />above. <br />S. Data Access <br />The Town's ALPR system may only be used by, and data collected thereunder shall be <br />accessible only by, personnel of the Sheriff's Office pursuant to a contract providing law <br />enforcement services to the Town. While the Town contracts with certain vendor(s) for <br />maintenance and repair of the ALPR system on an as -need basis, such vendors shall only <br />be tasked with the inspection, troubleshooting, and maintenance of the ALPR system <br />hardware and software configuration, associated cloud storage mechanism and server, as <br />necessary. Vendors are not authorized to access data collected by ALPRs under any <br />circumstances. <br />In addition to this Policy, Sheriff personnel shall observe and comply with the Sheriff's <br />Surveillance Use Policy and any additional guidelines and regulations that are in place <br />governing ALPR use and access. Prior to grant of use and access, the Sheriff's Office <br />shall execute an agreement with the Town and/or the Town's contracted ALPR vendor, to <br />the satisfaction of the Town Attorney, agreeing to comply with the terms of use for the <br />Town's ALPR system. <br />6. Data Retention <br />Data stored in the ALPR cloud system shall be purged after thirty (30) days from the date <br />it was uploaded to the cloud system unless otherwise flagged by the ALPR system or <br />downloaded locally pursuant to Section 4 above. <br />Data that is flagged by the ALPR system, or otherwise downloaded and stored pursuant to <br />Section 4 above shall be purged no later than six (6) months from the date it was flagged <br />or downloaded for local storage, unless the data thereafter becomes associated with a <br />criminal investigation or an ongoing case for an authorized purpose identified in Section 2 <br />above. In the latter case, the data shall be purged no later than one (1) year from the date it <br />was collected. <br />7. Public Access <br />ALPR data shall not be sold, shared, or transferred unless otherwise specified under this <br />Policy. ALPR data shall not be made public unless specifically required by state or federal <br />law, or by court order. If a public request for data is received by the Town or the Town <br />becomes aware of such request to personnel authorized for data access hereunder, the Town <br />shall confer with its Town Attorney's Office to determine whether the requested data is <br />exempt from disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act or other state or <br />Resolution 17-21 Page 4 <br />
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