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Automatic License Plate Reader Policy <br />Page 4 <br />federal law provisions, and whether any additional steps are required in response to such <br />request for data. <br />8. Third -Party Data -Sharing <br />Data -sharing from Town ALPRs shall be limited to only the following: <br />• District Attorney's Office for use as evidence to aid in prosecution, in accordance <br />with laws governing evidence; <br />• Public Defender's Office or criminal defense attorney via the District Attorney's <br />Office in accordance with California criminal discovery laws; <br />• Other law enforcement offices as part of a formal criminal or administrative <br />investigation; <br />• Parties to civil litigation, or other third parties, in response to a valid court order only. <br />9. Training <br />All personnel authorized to use and access the ALPR system and data pursuant to this <br />Policy shall receive all required training from the Sheriff's Office. Said Personnel shall <br />also review and receive copies of this Policy and the Sheriff's Surveillance Use policy. <br />10. Oversight <br />The Sheriff's Office shall ensure compliance with this Policy as the provider of law <br />enforcement services to the Town. <br />All access to ALPR Data shall be logged, and the Sheriff's Office shall maintain an audit <br />trail of requested and accessed information, including the purpose of the search. Periodic, <br />random audits shall be conducted by the Sheriffs Office and also on at least an annual <br />basis. Audits shall ensure compliance with this policy and all applicable laws, and shall be <br />used to ensure the accuracy of ALPR information and correct data errors. Audit reports <br />shall contain at least the following information: <br />• Date and time of access; <br />• Reason for accessing data; <br />• Activity executed, including any license plate numbers searched; <br />• Incident number associated with the investigation. <br />Upon completion of each audit, the Sheriff's Office shall provide a copy of the audit report to the <br />Town's City Manager for review within five (5) business days of completion. <br />Resolution 17-21 Page 5 <br />