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6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />➢ City Council Ex Parte Contacts Policy Disclosure <br />Ex Parte Communications: Councilmember Schmidt said she spoke with Bob <br />Elson; Vice Mayor Tyson said that he spoke with Bob Elson in the past about this <br />project, but not recently; Councilmember Mok said he spoke with Bob Elson; <br />Councilmember Swan said she spoke with Bob Elson; Mayor Tankha did not <br />have any ex parte communications. <br />A. La Paloma Road to Robleda Road Off -Road Pathway —File #SP 19-0005 <br />Adoption of an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration for the construction <br />of the eastern segment of an approved off-road path between La Paloma Road and <br />Robleda Road. CEQA Review: Mitigated Negative Declaration (Staff: Z.Dahl/S. <br />Padovan) <br />Mayor Tankha opened the Public Hearing. <br />Principal Planner Steve Padovan presented the La Paloma/Robleda Pathway initial <br />study and mitigated negative declaration of the pathway. <br />Public Comment <br />Jay Sutaria, Los Altos Hills, said he was pleased to see the initial study and the <br />recommended mitigations. He was disappointed that the funding was not until next <br />year. He suggested the Council allocate additional funds now for design, <br />construction, and landscape screening. <br />Bridget Morgan, Los Altos Hills, expressed a minority view from the Pathways <br />Committee. She has opposed this project on environmental degradation grounds. <br />Teresa Baker, Los Altos Hills, said this pathway is wonderful and it will turn out <br />beautiful. It will not harm anything there. It will be a safe path for multi -use. <br />Sue Welch, Los Altos Hills, respectfully asked the Council to accept the Mitigated <br />Negative Declaration (MND), fund the project, and build the path. <br />Carol Gottlieb, Los Altos Hills, asked the Council support the MND, have it become <br />a multi -use path, and work with Purissima Hills Water District to obtain an easement <br />for switchback purposes. <br />Alisa Bredo, Los Altos Hills, expressed support for the project. She said it is <br />important to have these connections to get people off the roads and encouraged the <br />Council to look into the water district land. <br />Tian Zhang, Los Altos Hills, said that significant portion of this pathway is close to <br />11 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />February 18, 2021 <br />