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City Council Minutes
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Regular Meeting Minutes
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Alexandra Patel, Los Altos Hills, said she was shocked to discover that there are <br />absolutely no cameras in our streets. She thought the neighborhood would be safe, <br />but her family is traumatized by the burglaries in Town. <br />Ameesh Divatia, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of license plate readers. He said <br />that our data is out there, but there are lots of ways of protecting data. <br />Don Druyanoff, Los Altos Hills, said his house was burglarized in the afternoon. He <br />had a sophisticated camera system, and the camera got the license plate number and <br />they caught the individuals who burglarized him. He spoke in support of ALPRs. <br />Jim Basiji, Los Altos Hills, said his house was burglarized and much damage was <br />done. The cost of burglaries and the violation of privacy is supremely high. He <br />spoke in support of ALPRs. <br />Logan Ramanathan, Los Altos Hills, said his house was burglarized in <br />December. He explained how the use of cameras are used and was in support of <br />ALPRs. <br />Rajiv Patel, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of ALPRs. He said that there is no <br />larger privacy violation than having your home be a part of a burglary. Catching <br />crooks, or more importantly, not having them come to Town, should be the focus. <br />Paul Schecter, Los Altos Hills, said it is alarming to hear about the burglaries. He <br />thanked both presenters but said the readers will not deter crime. A crook who plans <br />to commit a burglary is not going to care there are cameras in town. The readers <br />might be helpful for after the fact. <br />David Keetell, Los Altos Hills, said his home was burglarized in 2017. He spoke in <br />support of ALPRs. <br />Rajiv Bhateja, Los Altos Hills, said a petition was forwarded to the Town that has <br />over 200 households in support of ALPR's and residents can opt -out of the system if <br />they wish. They can be exclusively limited to people who live out of Town. <br />Nidhi Singh, Los Altos Hills, said his neighbors have been burglarized. He was in <br />support of ALPRs and thought the opt -out was a good solution. <br />Barry Smith, Los Altos Hills, said he would like to see any stolen cars on the <br />camera, an alert should immediately be sent to the local sheriff. If we wait until we <br />have been burglarized, then it is too late. <br />Roberta Riga, Los Altos Hills, expressed that any local government not utilizing all <br />available resources, is basically failing to do its job to protect its residents. She spoke <br />in support of ALPRs. <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />February 18, 2021 <br />
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