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John Anderson, Flock, Brentwood, said not all ALPR providers are created equally <br />and proceeded to say why Flock cameras were superior. <br />Dorit Perry, Los Altos Hills, addressed the privacy concerns and she was in support <br />of the ALPR's. She said it was way past time for the protection of ourselves and our <br />neighbors. <br />Scott Rezendes, Los Altos Hills, said he is a recently retired federal law enforcement <br />officer and expressed support for a tool that is used by law enforcement to catch the <br />criminals. <br />Sunil Bopardikar, Los Altos Hills, said he has had two burglaries occur on his <br />street. He was strongly in favor of putting ALPRs in place. <br />Karishma Mehta, Los Altos Hills, said that she was very supportive of putting in <br />ALPR so the sheriff can be proactive. <br />Subina Desai, Los Altos Hills, said her neighbor's homes have been violated and we <br />need to have empathy and compassion. She spoke in support of ALPRs because she <br />believes it is a matter of time before she is burglarized. <br />Liz Roberts, Los Altos Hills, said her mother was home when she was burglarized in <br />the 1990s. She was in support of the ALPRs. <br />Sri G, Los Altos Hills, said they were burglarized, and they did not have cameras, so <br />it was an open and shut case. She spoke in support in ALPRs. <br />Derrick Wong, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of ALPRs. They were burglarized <br />in 2016 in the morning and lost money and mail. <br />Michelle Yu, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of ALPRs and said the Council needs <br />to listen to the residents who want the cameras. <br />Jay Sutaria, Los Altos Hills, said our movements are already captured by our <br />neighbors or on the eight cameras that are on Teslas. Specialized ALPRs capture <br />things well, not people in the car. <br />Teresa Baker, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of ALPRs. <br />Jason Miles, Mid -Peninsula ACLU, spoke about privacy rights. He said that just <br />because something is legal, does not make it ethical. <br />Bridget Morgan, Los Altos Hills, said she has been persuaded on both sides of the <br />argument and is in favor of a pilot project. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />6 <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />February 18, 2021 <br />