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7/29/2021 2:20:40 PM
Creation date
4/16/2021 3:18:21 PM
Authorizing the City Manager to Negotiate and Enter into an Agreement with Flock Safey for up to Forth (40) Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) Cameras Not to Exceed $120,000 Annually and Appropriate $120,000 from the Unreserved General Fund in Fiscal Year 2020-2021 for ALPR Expenses
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RESOLUTION 20-21 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE <br />TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO <br />NEGOTIATE AND ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH FLOCK SAFETY FOR UP <br />TO FORTY (40) AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE READER (ALPR) CAMERAS NOT <br />TO EXCEED $120,000 ANNUALLY AND APPROPRIATE $120,000 FROM THE <br />UNRESERVED GENERAL FUND IN FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 FOR ALPR EXPENSES <br />WHEREAS, Automatic License Plate Reader (ALPR) cameras are used by police departments <br />across the United States to instantly capture license information and compare it against lists of <br />license plates associated with stolen vehicles, people that have committed a crime, and for other <br />investigative purposes; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills ("Town") desires to install ALPRs in certain public <br />locations in the community for law enforcement purposes; and <br />WHEREAS, at its meeting on March 18, 2021, the Los Altos Hills City Council adopted an ALPR <br />policy governing the usage, privacy protections, and other implementation parameters for ALPRs <br />in the Town consistent with California Civil Code section 1798.90.5; and <br />WHEREAS, the City Council directed Town staff to explore options for purchasing ALPR <br />cameras and related service technologies in order to deploy and utilize ALPRs in Los Altos Hills; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, Town staff contacted several companies in the marketplace that offer ALPR <br />technology to review pricing options for cameras and related ALPR software and services, and <br />solicited quotes from three (3) vendors for the installation, use, and ongoing maintenance of the <br />cameras; and <br />WHEREAS, of these three vendors, staff recommends selecting Flock Safety ("Flock") as the <br />Town's ALPR vendor based on its competitive pricing, trial period benefit, and subscription style <br />service which allows the Town flexibility in renewing or terminating service; and <br />WHEREAS, Flock and the Town have negotiated a service agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit <br />A, for ALPR camera system and software services, for up to forty (40) ALPR cameras for an initial <br />term of twelve (12) months (including a 60 -day pilot program period with free cancellation) and <br />an initial amount of One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars ($110,000), to implement the Town's <br />ALPR program; and <br />WHEREAS, the service agreement would also have an automatic renewal term of twenty-four <br />(24) months with annual subscription cost of $100,00 and annual price increases capped at ten <br />percent (10%), but with 30 -day termination option; and <br />WHEREAS, staff requests an appropriation from the unreserved general fund in fiscal year 2020- <br />2021 for the expenditures relating to implementing the ALPR program and cover necessary costs <br />in addition to the stated Flock contract price. <br />Resolution 20-21 Page 1 <br />
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