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Special Meeting Minutes
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<br /> <br />6 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 2017 <br />Councilmember Spreen responded that he believes the focus should be on the <br />Mayorship over the course of the past few years and the policy that has been <br />followed throughout the years. <br /> <br />The Council now entertained comments from the public. <br /> <br />John Harpootlian, Los Altos Hills, spoke in support of a policy that allows all <br />councilmembers to serve as mayor/vice-mayor. <br /> <br />Mayor Waldeck stated he had a conversation with both Roger Spreen and <br />Michelle Wu and asked them for their qualifications. At the time when <br />Councilmember Spreen was appointed to the Council, in that term he could not be <br />considered for vice mayor, but once elected he could be. He said that the current <br />council were actually chosen by a group of people to represent them. Having said <br />that, if we were to revert to the fundamental policy that was in place in 2003 , it <br />seems to be the fairest rotation we can get. And we need to be mentoring a group of <br />leaders to have in place to have us all line up behind them and support them. <br /> <br />Councilmember Wu said that she viewed the Council meeting last year and <br />understood that diversity, new blood, healthy democracy and leadership are all <br />important to give everyone a shot to serve as mayor. She said she understood that <br />the policy is not set in stone and it can change year by year. Although not set in <br />stone, we should be promoting what is in the best interest of the Town. She <br />introduced herself since as she is the newest member on the Council. She said that <br />she has lived in the Town for 20 years and has been through the education system <br />with her daughters. She is available right now as both of her daughters are away at <br />college and has put her professional career aside in order to serve the Town. She <br />said she has the time, energy and the passion to serve the Town. Further, she stated <br />she was 100% ready to serve the mayor and assist him to be successful. <br /> <br />Councilmember Corrigan said there is a difference between policy and procedure <br />and the Town has never had a policy. She was happy to have a discussion about <br />policy, but the mayor and vice mayor appointment has happened multiple ways and <br />at multiple times over the course of many years. Further, she stated it was a <br />tremendous honor to serve as mayor, but she does not need to do it again based on <br />her circumstances. As of tonight, there is no current policy, but if within the next <br />year, that becomes a situation that one chooses not to serve as vice mayor or if the <br />majority decides otherwise, she reserves the right to change her position on the <br />topic next year. <br /> <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Councilmember Corrigan moved to <br />nominate Roger Spreen as Vice Mayor for 2018. The motion was seconded by <br />Councilmember Spreen. <br /> <br />Motion Carried 5 to 0: <br />
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