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<br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br />January 18, 2018 <br /> <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Mayor Pro Tem Spreen moved to approve <br />the town-wide mailer inviting residents to a Town Hall meeting regarding a unique <br />zip code. The motion was seconded by Councilmember Wu. <br /> <br />Motion Carried 4 to 1: <br /> <br />AYES: Councilmember Waldeck, Councilmember Wu, Mayor Pro Tem <br />Spreen, Mayor Radford <br /> <br />NOES: Councilmember Corrigan <br /> <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br />6. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> <br />A. LANDS OF TOP ELEGANT INVESTMENT, LLC (Former Lands of Stirling); <br />28030 Natoma Road: File #193-15-TM and #112-15-MISC; A request for <br />approval of a Tentative Map to subdivide an 18.18-acre property into nine lots; <br />CEQA review: An Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration have been <br />prepared for this project (Staff: Suzanne Avila) <br /> <br />Ex Parte Communications: Councilmember Waldeck stated that he had spoken <br />with the applicant, several of the Open Space Committee members, Environmental <br />Design and Protection Committee members, and the Council received written <br />documents from staff; Mayor Pro Tem Spreen said that he spoke with the <br />applicant, the Co-Chairs of the Open Space Committee, Nancy Couperus and Kit <br />Gordon, and two neighbors Alice Sakamoto and Sue Welch; Councilmember <br />Corrigan said she met with Rosy Ko and the project architect, and she had a <br />conversation with Tim Tosta in advance of December's meeting and Kit Gordon; <br />Councilmember Wu said she met with neighbor Sue Welch a few times and <br />received written documentation from Alice Sakamoto, Open Space Committee Co- <br />Chairs Nancy Couperus and Kit Gordon, Environmental Design and Protection <br />Committee Chair Carol Gottlieb, prior to the December 14th Council meeting she <br />had a telephone conversation with Planning Commissioner Jitze Couperus, she <br />had met with Susan Mandle, and met with Rosy Ko three times and one of those <br />times the architect was present; Mayor Radford met with Rosy Ko, Kit Gordon <br />and Sue Welch and accepted a letter from Nancy Couperus. <br /> <br />Mayor Radford opened the Public Hearing and outlined the process. The Planning <br />Director will make a presentation; the Council can question staff and followed with <br />a presentation from the applicant with a maximum time of 20 minutes. After the <br />presentation, residents will be allowed to speak. He said that it is his goal to focus