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ORDINANCE 594 <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AMENDING ARTICLE 1 <br />OF CHAPTER 1 OF TITLE 2 (MEETINGS) OF THE LOS ALTOS HILLS MUNICIPAL <br />CODE TO CONFIRM THAT CITY COUNCIL MEETING PROCEDURES COMPLY <br />WITH CALIFORNIA GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION REQUIREMENTS RELATED <br />TO PUBLIC MEETINGS <br />WHEREAS, public meetings are governed by California Government Code Section 54950, et seq. <br />(Ralph M. Brown Act); and <br />WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills complies with public meeting procedures and noticing <br />rules required under the Ralph M. Brown Act; and <br />WHEREAS, City Council desires to update the Town of Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Article <br />1 of Chapter 1 of Title 2 (Meetings) to be consistent with its practice and the statutory language of <br />the Ralph M. Brown Act; and <br />WHEREAS, on April 15, 2021, the Los Altos Hills City Council held a duly noticed public <br />meeting to provide an opportunity for all interested parties to be heard, to consider all public <br />comments and consider the proposed amendments; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does hereby ordain as <br />follows: <br />SECTION I. AMENDMENTS TO THE MUNICIPAL CODE. <br />Sections of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code are amended as follows. Sections and texts not <br />amended are not shown, and shall remain in full force and effect. <br />Section 2-1.101 in Article 1 of Chapter 1 of Title 2 (Meetings) is hereby amended as <br />follows: <br />2-1.101 Regular meetings. <br />(a) Time—Place. Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the <br />third Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Town Hall, <br />26379 Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills, California, or in such other place within the <br />Town limits to which the meeting may be adjourned. In the event that there are no <br />closed session items on the agenda, the City Council meeting shall begin at 6:00 p.m. If <br />by reason of emergency it shall be unsafe to meet in the Town Hall, meetings may be <br />held at such other place within the Town limits as is designated in the special meeting <br />notice. <br />(b) Holidays. When the day for any regular meeting falls on a legal holiday, <br />no meeting shall be held on such holiday, but a meeting shall be held at the same hour <br />on the following business day unless the meeting has been either cancelled or <br />rescheduled to another day by the City Council. <br />Ordinance 594 Page 1 <br />