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RESOLUTION 30-21 <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL <br />OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE CONCESSIONAIRE AGREEMENT FOR <br />WESTWIND COMMUNITY BARN OWNED BY THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />BETWEEN THE TOWN AND VICTORIA DYE EQUESTRAIN, LLC. <br />WHEREAS, Westwind Community Barn has been managed and operated by Concessionaire <br />Victoria Dye Equestrian (VDE) since February 1, 2014; and <br />WHEREAS, On August 1, 2020, the Town and the Victoria Dye Equestrian entered into three- <br />year Concession Agreement for Westwind Community Barn owned by the Town of Los Altos <br />Hills; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town and VDE wishes to amend the agreement as expressed in Attachment A; <br />and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />that the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Amendment No. 1 to the <br />Concession Agreement for Westwind Community Barn owned by the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />between the Town and Victoria Dye Equestrian, LLC. . <br />The above and foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the Town of <br />Los Altos Hills at a regular meeting held on the 201i' day of May 2021 by the following vote: <br />AYES: Tankha, Tyson, Mok, Schmidt, Swan <br />NOES: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ATTEST: <br />Deborah Padovan, City Clerk <br />BY: A- r � C—, <br />Kavita Tanlcha, Mayor <br />Resolution 30-21 <br />Page 1 <br />