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AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO <br />THE CONCESSIONAIRE AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION OF THE WESTWIND <br />COMMUNITY BARN OWNED BY THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS BETWEEN <br />THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AND VICTORIA DYE EQUESTRIAN, LLC <br />DATED APRIL 1, 2020 <br />This Amendment to the Concession Agreement is made an entered into on the 20th day of May <br />2021 by and between the Town of Los Altos Hills and Victoria Dye Equestrian, LLC. In <br />consideration of these Amendments, the mutual promises, covenants, and stipulations herein <br />contained, the parties hereto agree to amend the Concessionaire Agreement as follows: <br />FIRST MODIFICATION <br />Section 1, subsection C. is amended in its entirety to read as follows: Prior to Effective Date of <br />Agreement, Town and Concessionaire shall create a written inventory of tools and equipment <br />belonging to the Town which shall remain onsite. <br />Town agfees to lease New Holland tfaeter- and attaehments eur-fendy efisite to Gone <br />"vvva uuuve with iuuu <br />Town agrees to pay for- fepaifs to New Holland tT-aeter- and at4aehffients euffittlativell i f <br />500, 00 and provided that Geneessi ' <br />SECOND MODIFICATION <br />Section 21, subsection H is hereby added to the agreement to read as follows: If the Agreement is <br />not renewed for any reason, the Town shall be reimbursed by the Concessionaire for a prorated <br />amount of the total amount the Town paid for the Concessionaire's new tractor. The prorated amount <br />shall be calculated as follows: Town's cost of tractor/1825 days (which represents 365 days x 5 <br />years) multiplied by the remaining days in the five-year time period from approval of this <br />amendment. This obligation shall remain in effect through May 20, 2026. After that date, <br />Concessionaire shall no longer be liable to repay the Town for the Town's payment for the tractor. <br />All other provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. <br />/SIGNATURE PAGE FOLLOWS] <br />Resolution 30-21 Page 2 <br />