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PC 06-21
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Resolutions
PC 06-21
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Last modified
6/18/2021 1:23:48 PM
Creation date
6/18/2021 1:23:40 PM
Approving A Site Development Permit and Variance to Allow For The Construction of A New Two-Story House at 12819 Viscaino Road
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b. That upon the granting of the variance, the intent and purpose of the applicable sections <br />of this title will still be served and the recipient of the variance will not be granted special <br />privileges not enjoyed by other surrounding property owners. <br />The granting of the setback variance for the proposed residence does not infringe on the <br />intent and purpose of the Zoning Code because the dwelling will be at least 30 feet from <br />the west side property line (which is the minimum required setback for all structures) and <br />only a small portion of the private vehicular access easement is used for access for a single <br />neighbor. <br />c. That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare <br />or injurious to the property, improvements or uses within the immediate vicinity and within <br />the same zoning district. <br />The granting of the variance for building setback will not be detrimental to public welfare <br />or surrounding properties as the proposed development does not exceed the maximum floor <br />area or development area standards, the residence will meet the typical 30 -foot setback <br />standards for the typical lot, adequate access to a public road is available, and the structures <br />and parking can be screened by landscaping and will not be highly visible to surrounding <br />properties. <br />d. That the variance will not authorize a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly <br />authorized by the zoning district regulations governing the parcel or property. <br />The use or activities associated with the variance request are permitted uses in the R -A <br />District. <br />3. With regard to the Grading Policy exception request, the Planning Commission makes the <br />following findings: <br />a. There is a sufficient basis to support the Grading Policy exception to allow for fill that <br />exceeds three feet for the lower, eastern portions of the proposed driveway and for cut that <br />exceeds four feet for the upper, western portions of the proposed driveway and adjacent <br />patio. Given the average slope of the lot (38.5 percent), any new development on this site <br />would be significantly restricted without allowing some exceptions from the Town's <br />Grading Policy. The grading work and export will not take place during the Town's grading <br />moratorium (October 1 to April 30) and will be done in accordance with Town procedures <br />for grading and construction operations. <br />b. The proposed grading achieves the purpose of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Section <br />10-2.702(c) which states: "The amount of grading, excavation or fill shall be the minimum <br />necessary to accommodate proposed structures, unless grading is proposed to lower the <br />profile of the buildings." The proposed grading for the driveway is the minimum necessary <br />to accommodate a compliant fire truck turnaround and the additional cut for the patio is <br />necessary to restore the existing retaining walls on the west end of the property above the <br />residence. <br />Resolution PC 06-21 Page 3 <br />
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