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Attachment B <br />TDA Article 3 Project Application Form <br />Fiscal Year of this Claim: 2021/22 Applicant: Christine Hoffmann <br />Contact person: Christine Hoffmann <br />Mailing Address: 26379 Fremont Road, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 <br />E -Mail Address: choffmann Telephone: (650) 947-2541 <br />Secondary Contact (in event primary not available): Zachary Dahl <br />E -Mail Address: Telephone: (650) 947-2507 <br />Project Title (Short Description): Design of Summerhill Avenue Pathway Project <br />Amount of claim: $21,103 <br />Description of Overall Project: <br />Currently there is no continuous improved pathway along the approximately 5,200 ft stretch of Summerhill Avenue from EI Monte <br />Rd to Magdalena Ave. The Summerhill Avenue Pathway Project intends to design a continuous off-road multi -use pathway along <br />Summerhill Avenue to improve safety for pedestrians, equestrians, and bicyclists. <br />Project Scope Proposed for Funding: (Project level environmental, preliminary planning, and ROW are ineligible uses of TDA funds.) <br />Engineering design work to prepare plans, specifications, and estimates for the project <br />Project Budget and Schedule <br />Project Eligibility: <br />YES?/NO? <br />A. <br />Has the project been approved by the claimant's governing body? (If "NO," provide the approximate date approval is <br />YES <br />anticipated). <br />B. <br />Has this project previously received TDA Article 3 funding? If "YES," provide an explanation on a separate page. <br />NO <br />C. <br />For "bikeways," does the project meet Caltrans minimum safety design criteria pursuant to Chapter 1000 of the California <br />N/A <br />Highway Design Manual? (Available on the internet via:,cqgov). <br />D. <br />Has the project been reviewed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee? (If "NO," provide an explanation). <br />YES, <br />reviewed by <br />Pathways <br />Committee <br />E. <br />Has the public availability of the environmental compliance documentation for the project (pursuant to CEQA) been <br />N/A <br />evidenced by the dated stamping of the document by the county clerk or county recorder? (required only for projects that <br />include construction). <br />F. <br />Will the project be completed before the allocation expires? Enter the anticipated completion date of project (month and <br />YES <br />year): December 2021 <br />