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WHEREAS, Government Code section 4217.18 construes the aforementioned provisions to <br />provide the greatest flexibility to the Town in structuring agreements to maximize the economic <br />benefits of, and minimize financing and other costs associated with, the design and construction <br />of alternate energy projects; and <br />WHEREAS, for the proposed battery back-up system project, Town staff solicited three quotes <br />from energy consultants Recolte Energy, Sage Renewables, and Syserco Energy Solutions, to <br />procure the technical expertise and capability to provide the Town with the design, supply, and <br />installation of such battery back-up system and resulting electricity services; and <br />WHEREAS, Syserco Energy Solution possesses such technical expertise and submitted a "design - <br />build" proposal with the lowest price; and <br />WHEREAS, the Town has negotiated an agreement with Syserco Energy Solution, substantially <br />in the same form as the document attached in Exhibit A (the "Energy Services Agreement"); and <br />WHEREAS, the installation of a battery back-up system would achieve the aforementioned <br />energy savings and sustainability goals, including helping the Town achieve efficient energy use <br />and maintain endurance during the anticipated upcoming fire season and related Public Safety <br />Power Shut-off (PSPS) events; and <br />WHEREAS, on May 20, 2021, the City Council conducted a duly noticed public hearing at its <br />regular meeting, the notice of which was provided two weeks in advance thereof, where it heard <br />testimony and accepted a report from Town staff establishing information that the anticipated cost <br />to the Town for the installation of the battery back-up system on Town property will be less than <br />the anticipated marginal cost to the Town of electricity otherwise consumed without such system <br />or by otherwise providing backup electricity through propane, diesel or gas -powered generators. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills <br />does hereby take the following actions: <br />1. The City Council finds that the above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated <br />herein as if stated in full. <br />2. The City Council makes the following findings pursuant to Government Code section <br />4217.12: <br />a. It is in the best interest of the Town to enter into the Energy Services Agreement <br />with Syserco Energy Solution; and <br />b. The anticipated cost to the Town for electrical energy from the battery back-up <br />system will be less than the anticipated marginal cost to the Town of thermal, <br />electrical, or other energy that would have been consumed by the Town in the <br />absence of such back-up system, or by otherwise providing backup electricity <br />through propane or natural gas -powered generators; and <br />Resolution 31-21 Page 2 <br />