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acquisition, construction, maintenance and use of public trails and <br />pathways; <br />g. to communicate Town policies and procedures regarding pathways <br />if advised to do so by the City Council; and <br />h. to make recommendations to the City Council regarding both the <br />maintenance and capital improvements budgets with regard to <br />pathways. <br />(g) Open Space Committee. <br />(i) The membership of this Committee shall consist of a minimum of five 151 <br />members and a maximum of nine 191 members. <br />(ii) The charges to and duties of this Committee shall be: <br />a. to advise and assist the City Council, Planning Commission and staff in <br />implementing the policies and goals of the General Plan, specifically with <br />respect to acquisition and maintenance, and protection of voluntary <br />conservation, open space easements and open space; <br />b. to make recommendations at subdivision, site development, Planning <br />Commission and City Council meetings regarding the acquisition, <br />maintenance and protection of conservation easements, open space <br />easements and open space; <br />c. to advise and assist the work for the preservation, restoration and <br />enhancement of the environment and -natural resources within the Town; <br />d. to study and recommend ordinances and resolutions relating to acquisition, <br />restoration, maintenance and use of conservation easements, open space <br />easements and open space within the Town; <br />e. to communicate Town policies and procedures regarding conservation <br />easements, open space easements, and open space following standard <br />Town communication policies; <br />f. to provide educational material and informational forums and programs to <br />the public regarding natural resources (e.g. wildlife, creeks, native plants <br />and wildlife habitat) following standard Town communication policies; <br />and <br />g. to develop relationships with other Town committees, neighboring <br />municipalities and regional entities to collaborate on environmental issues <br />following standard Town communication policies. <br />Resolution 55-21 Page 12 <br />