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Establishing Standing Committees and Adopting General and Special Rules Pertaining Thereto
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Chairperson, Secretary and such other officers as the Standing Committee deems advisable, who <br />shall not serve for more than two {2} consecutive one { 1 } year terms. If at the time of the <br />election, it is determined that there are no viable nominations for the slate of officers including <br />the Chairperson, the Committee may request an exemption of the general rule pertaining to the <br />term(s) for the Officers/Chairperson from the City Council. At the July meeting, any <br />subcommittees deemed advisable by the Standing Committee for specific activities within the <br />purview of the Standing Committee shall be appointed by the members. At any other meeting an <br />officer may be replaced. However, at any meeting other than the first regular meeting in July, a <br />vote of the majority of the Standing Committee is necessary to replace or elect an officer. <br />(e) All committee leadership (chairperson and vice -chairperson) shall attend annual <br />training before taking their seats as chair or vice -chair, or as soon after appointment as possible, <br />to insure they are well versed in managing meetings in an effective, fair, open, and transparent <br />manner in compliance with the Brown Act and Rosenberg's Rules of Order. Once the training <br />has been completed, the Chair and Vice -Chair are not required to repeat the training annually. <br />The Chair will also be responsible for: addressing compliance to these principles both before <br />and after the meeting; assuring all agenda items describe the topic sufficiently to promote proper <br />discussion; making reasonable efforts to ensure that project applicants and residents are given a <br />reasonable opportunity to present and respond to questions raised during the meeting; assuring <br />the committee does not react or respond to comments on topics that have not been <br />agendized; and assuring that items raised by speakers during presentations from the floor that <br />are not on the agenda are discussed to seek clarification only or to provide public information <br />about prior relevant actions of the committee or the Town. <br />(f) The duties of the Chairperson shall be consistent with those of a presiding officer <br />as they pertain to the conduct of the Committee meetings and adherence to the general powers <br />and duties, organization of Standing Committees, Committee charges and duties and procedures <br />as set forth in this resolution. <br />(g) The Chairperson shall be responsible for monitoring the attendance of committee <br />members and shall meet with any committee member who the Chairperson believes is negatively <br />impacting the operation of the Standing Committee due to absences from committee meetings to <br />discuss a plan to eliminate future absences. If following the meeting, the Chairperson does not <br />believe the committee member will be able to attend the future meetings and will therefore <br />continue to negatively impact the operation of the Standing Committee, the Chairperson may <br />recommend that the City Council either remove the person from the Standing Committee or <br />recommend that the Standing Committee vote to convert the person to Associate membership <br />status on the Committee <br />(h) Each Standing Committee shall keep minutes of its meetings, which shall include <br />its determinations, recommendations, attendance of members and an indication of who prepared <br />the minutes. The minutes shall be reviewed by the City Manager who, in consultation with the <br />City Council liaison to the particular committee, shall determine which items need to be <br />agendized for a City Council meeting. The minutes shall also be public records. <br />Resolution 55-21 Page 5 <br />
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