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Section 5. Code of Conduct for all Committee Members: <br />(a) Appointees on Committees are volunteers who desire to provide their time, <br />service and expertise to the Town. <br />(b) Appointment to any Los Altos Hills Town Committee or Commission is <br />contingent upon each prospective appointee's acceptance of this Code of Conduct. <br />(c) Appointees agree that their service is intended for the greater benefit of the Town <br />and not for any private, commercial or personal interest. <br />(d) Appointees will agree to: <br />1) Abide by the laws of the Federal, State or County and the Town's <br />regulations and ordinances and to follow the direction of legal authorities. <br />2) Accept and follow Town Council defined charters, objectives and requirements <br />and to provide their service, advice and recommendations to the Council and, if <br />approved by the Council, to others. <br />3) Not disclose confidential information that they may discover during their <br />service unless legally authorized to do so. <br />a) Also, such confidential information shall not be used to advance the <br />personal, financial or private interests of themselves or others. <br />4) Recuse themselves if or when a situation arises in which a member could be <br />perceived to have a conflict of interest. <br />5) All discussions, decisions and votes must be made in public and shall follow the <br />provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Open Meeting Act. Appointees shall also <br />complete bi-annual Ethics and Brown Act training. <br />6) Keep official discussions within the body's charter. <br />7) Consider issues that come before the body by using an objective, <br />responsible and equitable process. <br />8) Treat all persons in a courteous, dignified and professional manner. <br />a) Confront Ideas and Issues --- but not People. <br />b) A Personal attack, in any form, by an appointee to any other person(s) <br />is unacceptable behavior. <br />9) Use Town bestowed titles or positions only when conducting Town business, <br />for information purposes or to qualify their background and expertise and not for <br />personal gain or to promote ideas that their committee have not approved. <br />10) Reject any form of gifts or compensation from any entity or person for <br />their service except when authorized by the Town Council. <br />11) Respect and follow established channels of communication with Town staff. <br />12) Use Town equipment, supplies, personnel or facilities for approved Town <br />activities only. <br />a) Care should be exercised when requesting Town staff services. <br />13) Satisfy all participation requirements that the Town or the body may impose <br />upon its members. <br />a) Respect others by being on time and properly prepared to conduct the <br />body's business. <br />Resolution 55-21 Page 6 <br />