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Section 6. Special Powers and Duties. Each Standing Committee shall be <br />empowered and obligated as follows: <br />(a) Community Relations Committee. <br />(i) The membership of this Committee shall consist of a maximum of seven <br />(7) members appointed whenever feasible from different geographical <br />areas of the Town. <br />(ii) The charges to and duties of this Committee shall be: <br />a. to encourage communication and participation between residents <br />and Town government, and study and identify means of assuring <br />continued cooperation among different groups; <br />b. Conduct a coordinated program for welcoming new residents to <br />the Town that may include mailing welcome and information <br />packets, personal visitations, telephone calls, and/or invitations to a <br />dedicated welcoming event or special recognition at any regular <br />event(s); <br />C. Coordinate and sponsor regular Town events including an annual <br />Town Picnic and other special events as the Committee may <br />recommend. <br />d. Inform Los Altos Hills residents of community activities through <br />written communication, articles and/or reports in "Our Town," <br />and/or other appropriate methods such as information tables at <br />events. <br />e. to assist other Committees, in implementation of special projects; <br />f. to actively seek interested volunteers to serve on Town committees <br />and commissions. <br />(b) Emergency Communications Committee. <br />(i) The membership of this Committee shall consist of a minimum of five <br />members and a maximum of twenty-five f 25 members, all of whom are <br />either licensed radio amateurs or individuals in training for said licensed <br />status. <br />(ii) The charges to and duties of this Committee shall be: <br />a. Provide emergency radio communication services between the Los <br />Resolution 55-21 Page 7 <br />