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Altos Hills Emergency Operation Center (EOC) facility and: <br />1) The Santa Clara County Office of Emergency Services <br />(OES). <br />2) ECC -staffed operations located at any Town -operated <br />Incident Command (IC) location for the purposes of <br />communicating between the EOC and the Town IC. <br />3) Surrounding area municipal emergency communication <br />facilities, hospitals and emergency service groups such as <br />the Red Cross, or other volunteer emergency response <br />agencies. <br />Communications will take place using federally -sanctioned <br />amateur (HAM) radio operating frequencies in accordance <br />with federally -mandated Amateur Radio operating <br />requirements and procedures and other radio services and <br />frequencies a requested by the Town Director of emergency <br />services. <br />Provide the Net Control Operator (NCO) function to serve <br />amateur (HAM) radio operating frequencies in accordance <br />with federally -mandated Amateur Radio operating <br />requirements and procedures and other radio services and <br />frequencies as requested by the Town Director of <br />Emergency Services. <br />Provide the Net Control Operator (NCO) function to serve <br />amateur radio operators throughout the Town and <br />surrounding areas for the purpose of EOC operations and, <br />as needed, for support of Community Emergency Response <br />Team (CERT) Recon NCO operations. <br />b. Organize and implement periodic "simulated disaster" emergency <br />communication drills and participate in similar drills organized by the <br />Amateur Radio Emergency System (ARES) District Emergency <br />Coordinator (DEC), the CERT organization serving the Town and <br />appropriate others including the Disaster Council; and participate in <br />weekly ARES communication readiness/training nets that exist in the area; <br />c. Provide occasional non -emergency communication services for other <br />Town sanctioned groups as requested when possible and practical; <br />d. Develop and train according to Town requirements a group of amateur <br />radio operators within the Town and surrounding areas who will be <br />Resolution 55-21 Page 8 <br />