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TOWN OF LOS <br />26379 Fremont Road <br />Los Altos Hills, CA 94022 <br />Phone; (650) 941-7222 <br /> <br />ALTOS HILLS <br />HYBRID MEETING POLICY <br />Background <br />Exhibit A <br />5-0 08 HILLS <br />X W—o <br />CALIFORNIA <br />Approved by City Council on August 19, 2021 <br />On March 17, 2020, the Governor issued Executive Order N-29-20 suspending certain provisions <br />of the Ralph M. Brown Act in order to allow for local legislative bodies to conduct their meetings <br />completely telephonically or by other electronic means. On June 11, 2021, the Governor <br />subsequently issued Executive Order N-08-21 maintaining the suspension of certain provisions of <br />the Brown Act to continue to allow for local legislative bodies to conduct their meetings <br />completely telephonically or by other electronic means through September 30, 2021. After <br />September 30, 2021, the City Council, Planning Commission and Town Committees must provide <br />a physical location for meetings unless a subsequent executive order is issued or a separate statute <br />is adopted providing further direction or authority. <br />Purpose <br />The City Council believes that it is in the public's interest to have the City Council, Planning <br />Commission and Town Committees continue to provide virtual access for members of the public <br />to observe or participate in meetings in order to allow for civic engagement. This policy shall take <br />effect when the Governor's orders suspending the Brown Act have expired. <br />Procedure <br />The City Council and the Planning Commission shall meet in the City Council chambers, which <br />have been upgraded to up to allow for members of the public to attend in person or virtually using <br />a teleconferencing program such as Zoom. <br />The Brown Act (Gov. Code section 54950 et seq.) allows members of legislative bodies to use <br />audio and/or video teleconferencing to meet, deliberate, and take public comment as long as least <br />a quorum of the members participate from locations within the Town's boundaries. All remote <br />locations from which a legislative body member is participating must be made available for the <br />public and provide means to allow public comments to be made at those locations. Each remote <br />location must be specifically identified in the notice and agenda of the meeting, including a full <br />address. Agendas must be posted at each remote location. The teleconference location must be <br />open and fully accessible to the public, and fully accessible under the Americans with Disabilities <br />Act, throughout the entire meeting. These requirements apply to private residences, hotel rooms, <br />and similar facilities, all of which must remain fully open and accessible throughout the meeting, <br />without requiring identification or registration. A location that cannot meet the forgoing <br />requirements may not be used as a teleconference location. All teleconference meetings conducted <br />Resolution 59-21 Page 2 <br />