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pursuant to this policy must comply with these state law requirements, as may be amended form <br />time to time, and all Town decorum rules governing public meetings. <br />It is the Town's policy that only two Councilmembers/Commissioners may utilize the <br />teleconferencing provision at any given time. It is strongly encouraged that the Mayor be <br />physically present at all City Council meetings. <br />This Policy shall apply only to City Councilmembers and Planning Commissioners. Town <br />committees may utilize a hybrid model using an electronic device (computer/tablet/phone) for <br />members of the public to participate, but committee members are not eligible to attend meetings <br />via teleconferencing. Committee members must be physically present at all committee meetings <br />in order to participate and vote. <br />Staff is not required to attend and assist the committees with any technical knowledge of Zoom or <br />any other teleconference program/platform the Town may utilize. Staff will provide suggestions <br />and guidance on Zoom meeting protocol upon request. <br />During a meeting, if a member of the public would like to speak on an agenda item, the Mayor or <br />Chair will call upon individuals present in the room first and then ask individuals attending <br />virtually to raise their hands and they will be called upon on in the order received. Public <br />comments are limited to two (2) minutes per speaker. <br />Resolution 59-21 Page 3 <br />