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Minutes of a Regular Meeting DRAFT <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> THURSDAY,May 4, 2006, 7:00 p.m. <br /> Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road <br /> cc: Cassettes (2)#6-06 <br /> 1. ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> The regular meeting of the Planning Commissionwas called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br /> Chambers at Town Hall. <br /> Present: Chairman Cottrell, Commissioners Carey,Kerns, Collins &Clow <br /> Staff: Carl Cahill, Planning Director; Debbie Pedro, Senior Planner; Brian Froelich, <br /> Assistant Planner; Leslie Hopper, Project Planner; John Chau, Assistant Engineer; <br /> Victoria Ortland,Planning Secretary <br /> 2. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR-none <br /> 3. PUBLIC BEARINGS <br /> 3.1 LANDS OF LUND, 13826 Templeton Place (197-05-ZP-SD); A request for a <br /> Site Development Permit for a detached accessory structure that consists of a 400 <br /> sq. ft. garage and a 160 sq. ft. storage area (maximum height: 26'11") and <br /> landscape screening. CEQA Review: Categorical Exemption per Section 15303(e) <br /> (staff-Debbie Pedro). <br /> Commissioner Carey recused himself from this item because his residence is within 500 feet of <br /> the property. <br /> Debbie Pedro, Senior Planner presented the staff report. A two story residence with a basement <br /> was approved in 2002 and is currently under construction. A permit modification was approved <br /> in 2004 to reconfigure the driveway, move the two outdoor parking spaces to the upper portion <br /> of the site and reorient the home approximately 30 degrees to the east. The applicant is currently <br /> requesting to convert the two outdoor parking spaces into a two car garage with a 160 square <br /> foot storage room below. The as-built grading that currently exists on the property does not <br /> conform with the approved plans from 2004. Approximately 370 cubic yards of dirt on the north <br /> and east slopes of the proposed garage will need to be removed. The applicant has indicated that <br /> he will be removing this fill prior to final inspection of the new residence. A grading exception <br /> is being requested for several areas. The first area was the driveway, which would require 3-5 <br /> feet of fill and covers approximately 400 square feet of area. The second area was the front <br /> portion of the garage, which covers approximately 200 square feet of floor area that will have <br /> between 3 to 8.7 feet of fill over the existing grade. Finally, approximately 400 square feet of <br /> outdoor area south of the proposed garage will have fill between 3 to 7 feet. The downhill <br />