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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
July 20, 2006
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10/31/2014 11:31:52 AM
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10/31/2014 11:31:51 AM
Staff Report
Item Number
Draft Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2006
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> May 4, 2006 , <br /> Page 2 <br /> neighbor, Mr. Lee, of Templeton Place, has expressed concern about privacy and view impacts <br /> that will result from the proposed garage. The applicant is proposing twenty-eight (28) 24-inch <br /> box trees planted around the perimeter of the property and eight (8) trees around the buildings to <br /> screen the house and garage. If the Planning Commission approves the applicant's request, Staff <br /> is recommending the required planting of 6 larger evergreen trees with the minimum dimension <br /> of 15 feet tall by 8 feet wide. A number of letters have been received regarding the project; one <br /> opposing, eight supporting and one supporting with a condition for a thirty day delay for <br /> neighbors to review the landscape plan. <br /> Commissioner Kerns asked about condition number 4 regarding the grading compliance. Debbie <br /> Pedro explained that if the Commission denies tonight's request for the grading exception, the <br /> applicant must restore the grading back to the 2004 level. If approved, clarification can be made <br /> either to follow the approved 2004 plans or the 2006 plans. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Mr. Craig Lund, applicant, gave a presentation explaining his project including the grading <br /> exceptions requested and proposed landscape screening. <br /> Chairman Cottrell asked if fill is proposed for the driveway. Debbie Pedro stated that 3 to 5 feet <br /> of fill was already in the existing driveway and which comprises the grading exception request. <br /> Commissioner Collins questioned the elevation of the parking pad and a clarification on the <br /> grading exception of 1 to 1.5 feet. John Chau, Assistant Engineer, explained the differences in <br /> the Town's grading policy, the approved and proposed plans including the grade of the parking <br /> pad and garage. <br /> Commissioner Clow asked about the landscaping that was proposed between the garage and Mr. <br /> Lee's back yard. Mr. Lund stated that there are established trees in that area and more trees and <br /> shrubs are proposed to shield Mr. Lee's view of his property. <br /> Mr. Ken Lee, Templeton Place, explained the changes in the appearance of the property without <br /> the retaining walls and flat area. He expressed that the existing grading and proposed plan <br /> exceeds the Town's grading policy and the proposed garage will be higher. He was concerned <br /> that the proposed trees would not grow quickly enough to screen the project. Mr. Lee wanted the <br /> profile of the garage lowered but preferred the original approved project plan. <br /> Mrs. Winnie Lee, Templeton Place, objected to the garage placement, height and her loss of <br /> privacy. She wanted the approved plan to be followed. <br /> Sandra Humphries,Environmental Design Committee, wanted to caution the applicant on the use <br /> of Redwood trees because of the eventual height. <br /> Mr. Lund, applicant, responded to Mr. and Mrs. Lee regarding the retaining wall removal and the <br /> elimination of the window on the north side of the garage. Lowering the garage to 14 feet <br /> instead of 17 feet was offered as a mitigating solution to the height issue. <br />
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