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Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
July 20, 2006
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Staff Report
Item Number
Draft Meeting Minutes for May 4, 2006
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> May 4, 2006 <br /> Page 3 <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Kerns commented that he was not opposed to building the garage but was <br /> concerned that the as-built grading did not conform to the September 2004 approved plan and <br /> was done without the Town's approval. The driveway, curbs and flat area of the current garage <br /> are there already and if the additional two car garage were lowered it could create problems in <br /> the way of entry into the existing garage. The applicant's reasoning for the grading was <br /> understood but Town approval should have been granted before grading was completed. <br /> Proceeding with grading and then asking for permission after the fact may set a precedent. The <br /> grading on the back of the house and the side of the garage exceeds the Town's grading policy <br /> and the policy shouldn't be deviated from unless there is a good reason. Kerns would approve <br /> the garage as is with the grading lowered to match the approved plan of 2004. <br /> Commissioner Collins expressed concern that the fill was done before approval. She stated that <br /> the driveway grading exception doesn't affect anyone and the proposed trees will provide <br /> screening in time. Collins asserted that the 2004 approved plan needed to be conformed with. <br /> Collins suggested moving the garage toward the house and farther away from the Lee's property. <br /> She explained that exceptions to the grading policy are granted to make a structure less visible <br /> and the garage seems to become more visible with this grading exception. Collins does not <br /> support the two story garage. <br /> Commissioner Clow commended Debbie Pedro for her effort on this project. Clow met with Mr. <br /> Lund, the applicant, Chris Vargas, neighbor, Mr. Lee, neighbor, Carl Cahill, Planning Director <br /> and Debbie Pedro, Senior Planner,regarding the project. The garage is legal and the grading and <br /> driveway does not seem to impact the neighbors. He supports the project and requests <br /> landscaping to screen the garage. <br /> Chairman Cottrell reported that he met with Mr. Lee, neighbor, on his property. Cottrell <br /> expressed concern that the grading does not meet the September 2004 plan and the garage <br /> appears too high. The property needs to be graded to meet the 2004 plan, with the exception of <br /> the driveway, the garage should be brought down three feet and the landscaping proposed by <br /> staff with the additional trees was supported. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Motion by Commissioner Kerns, seconded by <br /> Commissioner Clow and passed unanimously to approve the driveway grading as built; Lands of <br /> Lund, 13826 Templeton Place. <br /> This approval is subject to a 22 day appeal period. <br /> The Commissioners proceeded to discuss the remaining grading. Grading on left side of garage <br /> is to be taken down to conform to the Town policy which is less than what is on the September <br /> 2004 plan. <br />
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