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Minutes of a Regular Meeting DRAFT <br /> Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> PLANNING COMMISSION <br /> THURSDAY, June 1, 2006, 7:00 p.m. <br /> Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road <br /> cc: Cassettes (1)#7-06 <br /> 1. ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br /> The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br /> Chambers at Town Hall. <br /> Present: Chairman Cottrell, Commissioners Carey, Kerns, Collins & Clow <br /> Staff: Carl Cahill, Planning Director; Debbie Pedro, Senior Planner; Brian Froelich, <br /> Assistant Planner; Victoria Ortland, Planning Secretary <br /> 2. PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR-none <br /> 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br /> 3.1. LANDS OF PICETTI, 12390 Hilltop Drive (107-05-ZP-SD-GD-VAR- <br /> CDP) A request for a Site Development Permit for a new 4,978 square <br /> foot two-story residence (maximum height 26.5 feet). The proposal <br /> includes a 1,544 square foot basement and a request for a Variance for one <br /> required parking space, two bay windows, and a chimney to be located in <br /> the side (interior) setback. (staff-Brian Froelich). CEQA Status; exempt <br /> per 15303 (a). <br /> Brian Froelich Assistant Planner, summarized the staff report statin that the one half acre site <br /> > P g <br /> was located at the southwest corner of Hilltop Drive and Hillview Road. The site required a 5 <br /> foot right of way dedication for a 30 foot half width on Hillview Road. The proposed two-story <br /> residence incorporated a conforming basement into the design for a total of five bedrooms and <br /> five and a half bathrooms. The site driveway access was from Hilltop Drive. The proposal <br /> included a light well and patio in the rear yard. The design complied with height, floor area and <br /> development area requirements. The applicant has proposed variances for a kitchen window, <br /> bay window and chimney to encroach into the setback. A parking variance for one uncovered <br /> parking space was requested. The width of the setback with the 5 foot right of way dedication is <br /> 35 feet so the width requirement of four 10 foot spaces could not fit within the building area. <br /> The property size and shape compared to a rectangular one acre lot presents difficulties in <br /> design. The building area (the area within the setback) for this property is around 5,500 square <br /> feet or 25 percent of the total property size. For a standard one acre lot, the building area would <br /> be about 21,000 square feet or approximately 50 percent of the property size. With the 5 foot <br /> right of way dedication the property loses about 660 square feet of the building area. The total <br /> area requested in the variance equals 240 square feet in the setback. The property shape as it <br />