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y <br /> Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> June 1, 2006 <br /> Page 2 <br /> narrows presents difficulty with the parking and has an average width of 45 feet where a typical <br /> one acre would have an average width of approximately 80 feet. The proposal is subject to a <br /> conditional development permit. The conditions of approval recommend a 10 foot pathway <br /> easement; installation of a 2B type pathway along Hillview Drive; and removal of 3 pine trees to <br /> be replaced with screening that will be determined at a future landscape hearing. Staff had <br /> received a letter of support from the neighbor nearest to the proposed variances. <br /> Chairman Cottrell commented that the proposed pathway easement is asking for an extra 10 feet <br /> in the setback in addition to the 5 feet. If that easement were granted it would be possible to <br /> have a pathway within 20 feet of the house and he felt this was unnecessary. The street right of <br /> way along with the 5 foot easement is wide enough for a pathway and he sees no reason to grant <br /> this easement for a pathway. <br /> Commissioner Clow questioned how the variance request compared to the variances recently <br /> granted to a similar project, Lands of DeGiovanni and Sander. Debbie Pedro replied that the <br /> DeGiovanni and Sander approved variance was for a chimney encroachment into the setback <br /> with a footprint of approximately 2 by 11 feet. The Lands of Eshghi project had received a <br /> variance for parking out of the setback. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked for clarification in the Conditions of Approval number 23 regarding <br /> the 30 foot wide half width public right of way requested. Brian Froelich, Assistant Planner, <br /> explained that Hillview Road required a 30 foot half width and the current half width is 25 feet <br /> so the extra 5 foot equals the requirement. <br /> Darryl Harris, architect for the applicant, commented that the pathway request was asking to put <br /> a hardship on the property. He explained the variance requests for the projections into the <br /> setback for the fireplace, kitchen window and bay window and offered to answer questions. <br /> Commissioner Clow asked where the fourth parking space would be put if the setback variance <br /> was not granted. Mr Harris replied that he did not have an answer because there is no other place <br /> it could be located. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Carol Gottlieb, Summerhill Avenue, had concerns about water seepage out of the middle of the <br /> road next to the property on Hilltop Drive and the amount of water coming off the property, <br /> especially in the last winter. She wanted to know what provisions were being made to hold the <br /> water on the site. The roads have become rutted because of the drainage and she wondered where <br /> the water would go because the house would take up most of the lot. Gottlieb's property is the <br /> corner lot of Summerhill Avenue and Hilltop Drive and it accepts all of the drainage from Hilltop <br /> Drive and Hillview Road. Gravel and rocks are often brought down during heavy rain into the <br /> ditch. <br /> Commissioner Collins asked what the new coverage on the property would be compared to the <br /> existing coverage. Assistant Planner, Brian Froelich, replied that the proposed increase in <br /> development area was 3,209 square feet. <br />