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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br /> June 1, 2006 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Carol Gottlieb, Summerhill Avenue, commented that the other home on the lot had very little <br /> landscaping and did not use excessive water. She raised additional concerns about the size of the <br /> house and basement taking up additional space on the lot and the drainage implications. She <br /> observed that the development area was nearly used up for the hardscape and emphasized that the <br /> setback should not be used for the purpose of outdoor living. <br /> Sandra Humphries, Environmental Design Committee, requested the removal of the invasive <br /> species of bamboo and pampas grass on the property. <br /> Commissioner Carey asked Sandra Humphries the reason why the three Monterey pines on the <br /> property should be removed. She replied that the trees are unhealthy and this would be a <br /> convenient time to remove them. <br /> Carol Gottleib, Summerhill Avenue, commented that the pathway should be in the 5 foot <br /> easement and need not be widened and requested the pathway not be paved with a hard surface <br /> because of the horses using the pathway. <br /> Mike Piccetti, applicant, spoke to the fact that California Water Service Company was <br /> investigating the seepage problem on the street and the possibility of a main leak. He stated that <br /> the property is dry with no standing water collecting on the site. He suggested that the water <br /> problem could be from a water service leak to one of the homes or ground water seepage. <br /> Chairman Cottrell asked about an 8 inch PVC drainage pipe and box shown on the plan. Mr. <br /> Piccetti stated that he was trying to comply with the engineering department requirements for <br /> drainage in regards to the pipe. Mr. Cottrell asked about landscaping of the property, the invasive <br /> species and Monterey pines. Mr. Piccetti responded that the intent was to remove all the <br /> vegetation on the site except the oak trees and other valuable mature trees. He had no objection to <br /> eliminating the Monterey pines and replanting with something more attractive. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Commissioner Carey supported the application and commented on the good job the architect and <br /> applicant had done designing a nice home for the constrained site. He had concerns granting the <br /> variances for the windows encroaching into the setback as a design element in contrast to the <br /> chimney, which is justified. He stated that variances had been granted in the past to the Eshghi <br /> property for parking. <br /> Commissioner Kerns supported the project and mentioned the DeGiavonni and Sander variance <br /> for a chimney in the setback. He saw no other choice for location of the parking spot. He had <br /> concerns about the additional pathway request and stated the path could be put in the road right <br /> of way. <br /> Commissioner Collins supported the project including the windows, chimney and parking space <br /> variances. She stated the approval should include the removal of the pampas grass and bamboo. <br /> She requested suggestions on how to address the drainage issues. <br />