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EXHIBIT "A" <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT <br />LANDS OF WEN LIVING TRUST <br />26724 PALO HILLS DRIVE, <br />LOS ALTOS HILLS, CALIFORNIA <br />An easement over that certain real property, situate in the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of <br />Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Lot 2, as shown on the certain map entitled <br />"Tract No. 2554 Palo Hills Estates" filed in the office of the County Recorder of Santa Clara <br />County on November 20, 1959 in Book 113 of Maps at Page 56, as shown on Exhibit `B" <br />attached hereto and made a part hereof, more particularly described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of said lot, said point being on the Southerly right of way <br />of Palo Hills Drive; thence along the Northerly line of said lot, being also the Southerly line of <br />said Drive South 84°33'40" East, 124.22 feet to the Northeast corner of said lot; thence along <br />the Easterly line of said lot South 00°18'00" East, 5.03 feet; thence leaving last said line, along <br />a line parallel with and 5.00 feet southerly, measured at right angles from said Northerly line, <br />North 84°33'40" West, 125.89 feet to the Westerly line of said lot; thence along last said line <br />North 18°35'00" East, 5.13 feet to the Point of Beginning. <br />Containing 625 square feet, more or less. <br />The bearings described are based on the North line of said lot being South 84°33'40" East as <br />shown on said "Tract No.'2554 Palo Hills Estates". <br />END OF DESCRIPTION <br />PREPARED BY OR UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF: <br />R � <br />PATRICK C. WEBER, LS 8162 <br />GACon•espondence\2020 JOBS\2.200832 MPASEMENMARCHIVE\07-15-2I\EXHIBIT (ROW) A.docx <br />Page <br />1 of 2 <br />Resolution 64-21 Page 7 <br />