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EXHIBIT "A" <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR <br />RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENT <br />LANDS OF VISTA GRANDE TRUST <br />13781 CICERONE LANE, AKA CICERONI LANE, LOS ALTOS HILLS <br />SANTA CLARA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA <br />All that certain real property, situate in the City of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa Clara, State of <br />California, being a portion of the `Lands of the Vista Grande Trust' dated January 24, 2001, as <br />described in that certain Grant Deed Document Number 24414813, filed February 27, 2020, Official <br />Records of Santa Clara County, more particularly described as follows; <br />Beginning at the most easterly corner of said lands, said point being at the centerline -centerline <br />intersection of Cicerone Lane, also known as Ciceroni Lane, 50 feet in width and Robleda Road, <br />40 feet in width, thence along the centerline of Robleda Road, South 25°34'41" West 136.39 feet <br />to the Southeast corner of said Lands; <br />Thence along the southerly line of said Lands, North 86°51' 19" West 32.46 feet; <br />Thence leaving said line, North 25°34'41" East 148.88 feet to a point on the centerline of <br />Cicerone Lane, also known as Ciceroni Lane, said point is also on the northerly line of said <br />Lands; <br />Thence along the centerline of Cicerone Lane, also known as Ciceroni Lane, South 64112'29" <br />East 30.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. <br />Containing 4,279 Square Feet more or less. <br />As shown on Plat attached hereto labeled `Exhibit B' and by this reference made a part hereof. <br />END OF DESCRIPTION <br />�p SAND SSR <br />RICHARD F <br />MATHER <br />No. 8341 � <br />*I <br />OP <br />CA\ \ <br />N:\projects\2015_JOBS\2150625\OFFER OF DEDICATION\EXHIBIT A.doox <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />Resolution 69-21 Page 6 <br />